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Group Reservations

Discover the world around you

Long respected as a leader in science education, the Museum of Science promotes thoughtful participation in today's increasingly technological society. With over 700 permanent exhibits, and an ever-changing cavalcade of touring exhibits, films, and shows, groups can encounter the fresh and unfamiliar, ask questions, and actively address the provocative issues raised by innovations in science and technology.

Whether you're booking a simple Exhibit Halls visit or a prix fixe group meal package, Science Central and our group sales department are available to help you book the perfect adventure for your group. Learn more about how to book your next visit.

For the latest information on Museum exhibits, shows, and events, sign up for ENews.

Get the most out of your visit!

Groups should plan to spend anywhere from 2 - 3 hours to take full advantage of our Exhibit Halls and daily presentations. Add an additional 40 - 50 minutes for an Omni, Laser or Planetarium presentation, an extra 20 minutes for our 3-D Digital Cinema or Butterfly Garden, and an extra hour for any of our special traveling exhibits. Visit our exhibits and shows page for more information on these offerings.

Make your visit an all-day event by adding a Boston Duck Tour to your reservation (approx 80 min.). Visit or call 617-267-DUCK (3825) for more information.

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Did you know?

The Clark Collection of Mechanical Movement Models (Blue Wing, Lower Level) contains 120 working models designed by American engineer William M. Clark.