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ARE Update Newsletter, Sponsored by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics

To read the ARE Update Bimonthly Newsletter (available in pdf format), you may need to download the Adobe Reader for free. Recent issues of the newsletter can be downloaded in their entirety, or you may select individual articles. Issues from Volumes 1-3 (2000 or earlier) are only available in their entirety.












  • ARE Update, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall, 1999
    1. The Beef Industry in Crisis
    2. Cost and Return Studies for California Commodities
    3. List of Available Cost and Return Studies
    4. Evaluating the Effects of Nutrition Education
    5. ARE Faculty Profile: Steven C. Blank
  • ARE Update, Vol. 2, No. 4, Summer, 1999
    1. California Winegrape Production
    2. California Farm-Retail Milk Price Relationships
    3. Grading Error in the California Prune Industry
    4. ARE Faculty Profile: Daniel A. Sumner
  • ARE Update, Vol. 2, No. 3, Spring, 1999
    1. Seasonal Prices and Supply-Side Adjustments in the California Strawberry Industry
    2. International and Regional Issues in African Elephant Management
    3. Agricultural Commodity Policy in an Historical Context
    4. ARE Faculty Profile: Philip L. Martin
  • ARE Update, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter, 1999
    1. Demand for Agricultural Commodities
    2. The Role of Crop Insurance in California
    3. Household Willingness to Pay for Biological and Chemical Public Pest Control Programs
    4. ARE Faculty Profile: L.J. (Bees) Butler
    5. California Agriculture: Outlook '99

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  • ARE Update, Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall, 1998
    1. China and World Wheat Markets: Assessing Supply, Demand and Trade in China
    2. Flowing Toward Markets: California Water in 2000
    3. As Microsoft Goes, So Does the Computer Industry
    4. Ask the ARE Faculty
    5. ARE Faculty Profile: Hoy F. Carman
  • ARE Update, Vol. 1, No. 4, Summer, 1998
    1. Managing Risks in California Agriculture
    2. Poverty Amid Prosperity
    3. A Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Ash Whitefly Biological Control Program in California
    4. ARE Faculty Profile: Colin Carter
    5. Dairy Operator Comments from the 1998 rBST Survey
  • ARE Update, Vol. 1, No. 3, Spring, 1998
    1. Implications of 1997 Federal Income Tax Reform for California Farmers and Ranchers
    2. Asia's Financial Crisis: California's Agriculture Has Weathered Similar Storms
    3. A Time to Act
    4. Econometrics and Research
    5. ARE Faculty Profile: Karen Klonsky
    6. Recent Books by ARE Faculty
    7. UC Davis ARE Faculty Fields of Interest
  • ARE Update, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter, 1998
    1. Higher Environmental Standards Can Enhance Competition and Welfare
    2. Evaluation of California Commodity Marketing Programs
    3. rBST Use in the California Dairy Industry
    4. ARE Faculty Profile: Richard Howitt
    5. List of ARE Cost of Production Studies

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