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Giannini Foundation Publications



Monograph Series
Year Item No. Publication
2005 46 Economic Consequences of Mandated Grading and Food Assurance: Ex Ante Analysis of the Federal Marketing Order for California Pistachios. Richard S. Gray, Daniel A. Sumner, Julian M. Alston, Henrich Brunke and Albert K. A. Acquaye. 2005
2003 45 Retail Consolidation and Produce Buying Practices: A Summary of the Evidence and Potential Industry and Policy Responses by Richard J. Sexton, Timothy J. Richards and Paul M. Patterson. 2003
2000 44 Cost Economies and Market Power in U.S. Beef Packing by Catherine J. Morrison Paul 2000
1997 43 The California Table Grape Commission's Promotion Program: An Evaluation by J. M. Alston, J. Chalfant, J. E. Christian, E. Meng, and N. Piggott, 1997.
1995 42 Optimal Reserve and Export Policies for the California Almond Industry: Theory, Econometrics, and Simulations by J. M. Alston, H. F. Carman, J. E. Christian, J. Dorfman, J. R. Murua, and R. J. Sexton, 1995.
1987 41 Nonsubstitution Dynamic Model for Optimal Fertilizer Recommendations. Edgar A. Lanzer, Quirino Paris and William A. Williams, 1987.
1986 40 U.S. Consumer Behavior Over the Postwar Period: An Almost Ideal Demand System Analysis by L. A. Blanciforti, R.D. Green and G.A. King, 1986.
1976 36 Production Functions and Supply Application for California Dairy Farms by I. Hoch, 1976.
1975 35 Regional Efficiency in the Organization of Agricultural Processing Facilities: An Application to Pear Packing in the Lake County Pear District by J. Stollsteimer, R. Courtney and L. Sammet, 1975.
1975 34 Optimal Staging of Russian River Basin Development by U. Regev and I. Lee, 1975.
1974 33 Econometric Analysis of Production Decisions with Government Intervention: The Case of California Field Crops by R. E. Just, 1974.
1972 31 Production Functions and Linear Programming Models for Dairy Cattle Feeding by G. W. Dean, H. O. Carter, H. R. Wagstaff, S. O. Olayide, M. Ronning, and D. L. Bath, 1972.
1972 30 Empirical Analysis of Demand Under Consumer Budgeting by Jurg Bieri and Alain de Janvry, 1972.
1972 29 Optimal Decision in the Broiler Producing Firm: A Problem of Growing Inventory by E. Hochman and I. M. Lee, 1972.
1972 28 Cattle Feedlot Marketing Decisions Under Uncertainty by J.B. Bullock and S.H. Logan, 1972.
1971 27 California Growth and Trade, 1954-1963: An Inter-Industry Analysis Emphasizing Agriculture and Water Resource Development by P. Zusman, 1971

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Research Report Series
Year Item No. Publication
2005 350 Economic and Environmental Impacts of Adoption of Genetically Modified Rice in California by Craig A. Bond, Colin A. Carter, and Y. Hossein Farzin, 2005
2005 349 The Social Costs of an MTBE Ban in California by Gordon C. Rausser, Gregory D. Adams, W. David Montgomery, and Anne E. Smith, 2005
2004 348 A Statistical Profile of Horticultural Crop Farm Industries in California by Hyunok Lee and Steven C. Blank, 2004 (Appendix Tables)
2004 346 Marketing Order Impact on the Organic Sector: Almonds, Kiwifruit and Winter Pears by Hoy F. Carman, Karen Klonsky, Armelle Beaujard and Ana Maria Rodriguez, 2004
2003 347 Farmers' Adoption of Genetically Modified Varieties with Input Traits by Corinne Alexander, Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Rachael E. Goodhue, 2003
1998 345 An Economic Evaluation of California Avocado Industry Marketing Programs, 1961-1995 by H.F. Carman and R.K. Craft, 1998.
1998 344 The California Prune Board's Promotion Program: An Evaluation by J.M. Alston, H.F. Carman, J.A. Chalfant, J.M. Crespi, R.J. Sexton, and R.S. Venner, 1998.
1995 343 Transportation and Marketing Efficiency in the California Processing Tomato Industry by C. A. Durham, R. J. Sexton, and J. H. Song, 1995.
1991 342 An Economic Analysis of the California Thoroughbred Racing Industry, by H. O. Carter, L. E. Shepard, and M. D. Whitney, 1991.
1990 341 A Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium Model of the California Alfalfa Market,by K. Knapp and K. Konyar, 1990.
1989 340 An Econometric Model of the United States Asparagus Industry by B. C. French and L. S. Willett, 1989.
1988 339 An Econometric Analysis of the California Raisin Industry by C. F. Nuckton, B. C. French and G. A. King, 1988.
1988 338 Dynamic Economic Relationships in the California Cling Peach Industry by B. C. French and G. A. King, 1988.
1987 337 An Analysis of Economic Adjustments in the California-Arizona Lemon Industry by W. Kinney, H. Carman, R. Green, and J. O'Connell, 1987.
1987 336 A Study of the Interdependent Food Stamp Program Participation and Food Demand Decisions by C.K. Ranney and J. E. Kushman, 1987.
1986 335 Commercial Production of Sturgeon: The Economic Dimensions of Size and Product Mix by S. H. Logan and K. Shigekawa, 1986.
1986 334 Domestic and Export Markets for California Almonds by Peter G. Bushnell and Gordon A. King, 1986.
1986 333 Demand for Alfalfa Hay in California by K. Konyar and K. Knapp, 1986.
1984 332 An Annual Planning Model for Food Processing: An Example of the Tomato Industry by S.H. Logan, 1984.
1981 331 An Analysis of Economic Relationships and Projected Adjustments in the U.S. Processing Tomato Industry by J. A. Brandt and B. C. French, 1981.
1981 330 Economic Evaluation of Mosquito Control and Narrow Spectrum Mosquitocide Development in California by M.E. Sarhan, R. E. Howitt, C. V. Moore, and C. J. Mitchell, 1981.
1978 328 Long-term Contracting Strategies for Agricultural Processing Firms Firms with Particular Reference to Farmer Cooperatives by S. Buccola and B. C. French, 1978.

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Information Series Reports
Year Item No. Publication
2004 2004-1 Economic Contributions of the California Nursery Industry by Hoy F. Carman and Ana Maria Rodriguez
2003 2003-1 California Agriculture: Dimensions and Issues, edited by Jerome Siebert, 2003.
1997 1997-1 California Agriculture: Issues and Challenges by Jerome Siebert , ed., 1997.
1996 1996-1 Mandated Marketing Programs for California Commodities Commodities by H. Lee, J. M. Alston, H. F. Carman, and W. Sutton, 1996.
1995 1995-1 Reducing Citrus Revenue Losses from Frost Damage: Wind Machines, and Crop Insurance by R. Venner and S. C. Blank, 1995.
1994 1994-3 California Vegetable Crops: Production and Markets by R. L. Cook, C. F. Nuckton, and W. E.Johnston, 1994.
1994 1994-2 Cultural Practices and Sample Costs for Organic Vegetable Production on the Central Coast of California by K. Klonsky, L.Tourte, D.Chaney, P.Livingston and R.Smith, 1994.
1992 1992-1 Acquiring Alfalfa Hay Harvest Equipment: A Financial Analysis of Alternatives by Steven C. Blank, Karen Klonsky, Kim Norris, and Steve B. Orloff, 1992
1991 1994-1 California Field Crops: Location and Trends in Acreage, Yields, and Production: 1945-1991, (1991) by W. E. Johnston.
1991 1991-1 The Availability and Prices of Consumer Goods and Services in Small Towns of Northern California by R. I. Rochin and K. M. Jetter, 1991.
1990 1990-1 Impacts on California Agriculture of a Ban on Rice Straw Burning by B. D. Gardner, R. E. Howitt, and C. Goodman, 1990.
1988 1988-4 The Wages and Fringe Benefits of Unionized California Farmworkers by P. L. Martin, D. Egan, and S. Luce, 1988.
1988 1988-3 Factors Critical to the Success or Failure of Emerging Agricultural Cooperatives by R. J. Sexton and J. Iskow, 1988.
1988 1988-2 A Case Study of California Farm Machinery Repair Costs: Repair Costs and Downtime by S. D. Hardesty and H. F. Carman, 1988.
1986 1986-3 Activity and Regulation of Farm Labor Contractors by Suzanne Vaupel and Philip Martin, 1986.

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Giannini Foundation Special Reports
Year Item No. Publication
2004 2004-1 Whither California Agriculture: Up, Down or Out? Some Thoughts about the Future by Warren E. Johnston and Alex F. McCalla, 2004.
1991 N/A Hired Hands in California's Fields, Varden Fuller, June 1991.
1988 1988-1 Agricultural Employment Testing, Opportunities for Increased Worker Performance.
1980 1980-1 Demand Relationships for Vegetables: A Review of Past Studies, 1980.
1980 N/A Farm-Size Relationships with an Emphasis on California: A Review of What is Known About the Diverse Forces Affecting Farm Size, and Additional Research Considerations, 1980.
1978 3247 Demand Relationships for California Tree Fruits and Nuts: A Review of Past Studies, UC DAS Special Publication No. 3247, 1978.

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