Community Alliance with Family Farmers


CAFF is a strong advocate for family-scale agriculture that cares for the land, sustains local economies and promotes social justice. It is CAFF's goal to change the course of agriculture and to do that, we need to influence institutions like the University of California, commodity boards, state and federal agencies and legislators who set public policy. Each of these institutions has a tremendous impact on food and farming issues. We're proud of our history of successful legislative efforts.


Food Safety, E. coli, & Leafy Green regulations

Like all farmers and farmer organizations, CAFF is deeply concerned about food contamination that can undermine consumer confidence in our products. But we are just as concerned about an over-reaction to the e. coli outbreak that might hurt small farmers and undermine the efforts of CAFF and many farmers to farm in an environmentally responsible manner.

Global Warming

AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act, calls for California to reduce its emissions of global warming gases to 1990 levels by 2020, a reduction of about 25% over status quo projections. CAFF was the only statewide agricultural organization to support AB 32, recognizing that global warming is the pre-eminent environmental and economic challenge to our future and that sustainable agriculture can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2007 Farm Bill

CAFF works through the California Coalition for Food and Farming to educate the public and legislators about changes needed in the federal Farm Bill. We have developed a platform that includes increased support for environmental programs on farms, nutrition, local food systems, and small, minority, and beginning farmers.


Farm Labor

Genetic Engineering

CAFF is a member of the Genetic Engineering Policy Alliance, a California network of organizations and individuals promoting precautionary policies on genetically engineered food and agriculture. The Alliance includes representation from agriculture, consumer, health, faith, labor, environmental, social justice and business sectors. We are united in our concern about the impacts of genetically engineered crops and foods on agriculture, the public, and the environment.



CAFF has long supported greater linkages between sustainable farming and nutritious foods. That’s why we work around the state to promote Farm to School programs that bring fresh produce directly from local farmers to local schools: it’s good for our farmers and good for our kids.


Water Resources

CAFF supports water quality and efficiency measures that support both farmers and the environment. We advocate programs that provide assistance to farmers as they learn new techniques that reduce the use of chemicals that endanger the water supply.


Farmland Protection

CAFF supports stronger land use planning tools at the local level. For example, local zoning and general plan processes should be strengthened to improve the effectiveness and quality of mitigation programs that protect farmland. We support adoption and enforcement of stronger ag elements in County General Plans.


Other food & farming polices  


Past Policy Work


The Values behind our Policy Work

Why Local Farmers are Important

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