Get Involved

The best way of building a more sustainable and secure food system is by joining with others who are looking to do the same, both within the Northeast and beyond.

NESAWG offers a number of different ways of connecting with others working towards this common goal.  Here are just a few options available to you depending on the time you have available and the type of involvement you seek.  Please note that there is no overlap between the three actions listed.  Many people and groups decide to sign up for all three.

  -  Become a NESAWG Member (3 paper newsletters per year along with occasional mailings, fees on

      a sliding scale)

  -  Join the NEFOOD listserv (3-4 e-mails per week on average from other people and groups in the

      Northeast, free)

  -  Join our action alert e-mail list (1-3 e-mail alerts per month, free)


Become a NESAWG Member

NESAWG offers both group and individual memberships.  All members receive "NESAWG News" our member newsletter and benefit from networking opportunities such as the NEFOOD listserv and NESAWG's Annual Meeting and Resource Harvest.

Annual membership dues are based on the following sliding scale:
A. Organizations:
    Budget over $100,000: __$75 __$150 __$200

    Budget under $100,000: __$35 __$50 __$75
B. Individuals: __$15 __$25 __$50

C. Request a dues waiver: __


Membership dues are payable by check to NESAWG, P.O. Box 11, Belchertown, MA 01007.  You may print out our membership form as a PDF file. Thank you.


Join the NEFOOD listserv

Join a NESAWG-sponsored e-mail forum called NEFOOD-L. NEFOOD-L is an electronic mail list devoted to the topic of food systems in the Northeastern states. Subscribers post messages to one address and have those messages distributed by email to all of the other subscribers on the list. Over 580 people are subscribed.

To sign up for NEFOOD, please go to the web address below and enter your e-mail address. You will receive a welcome message with basic protocol and command information. You will also begin to receive messages from anyone that posts to nefood-l. You may unsubscribe at any time by returning to weblink above.

  -  To subscribe, please go to the following address: 

Join our action alert e-mail list

NESAWG partners with the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture (NCSA) to promote change throughout the food system through occasional e-mail action alerts.

  -  To sign up, please go to the following address:

The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group's mission is to build a sustainable regional food and agriculture system... one that is environmentally sound, economically viable, socially just and produces safe, nutritious food.


NESAWG P.O. Box 11, Belchertown, MA 01007 phone and fax: (413) 323-9878 e-mail: