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Mission Areas


Ensure—Our homeland security and defense work focuses on ensuring the viability of three primary areas:

U.S. Bases (worldwide) — Ensure critical installation mission functions, personnel, high-value assets and infrastructure against threats that are dynamic, irregular, and from nature as well as high-consequence accidents.

U.S. Critical Government Assets (worldwide) — Protect DOE/NNSA nuclear assets, DoD nuclear assets; ensure the function of other US government critical non- nuclear national assets, sites and infrastructure from threats that are dynamic, irregular, and from nature as well as high-consequence accidents.

Public Protection (U.S. Soil) — Secure our borders and coasts, ports of entry such as airports and seaports, and US Embassy personnel. Address a wide range of threats to the US public. Security concepts are not limited to US soil but are global to ensure key government functions and services, and commercial infrastructure against catastrophic failure from accidents or natural disasters.