Kentucky State University

Kentucky Urban Youth Corps Program

The Kentucky Urban Youth Corp (KUYC) is a youth development program that targets high school dropouts between the ages of 15 and 19.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet sponsors the KUYC. The program partners with local and state government agencies, schools, the courts and private industries to provide a combination of educational training and job training


  • Assist youth in obtaining a GED
  • Acquaint youth with career opportunities that may provide future enhancements to the quality of their lives
  • Help youth to acquire basic living skills so that they may become contributing members of society

About the program:

The KUYC program is an innovative three component program that targets high school dropouts and at risk youth between the ages of 15-19. Participating youth will spend nine months in a program designed to assist them in preparing for and passing the GED test. For more information please contact us at

Work Component:

Youth will be paid $6.00 per hour for working up to 16 hours per week on a variety of work projects.

Education Component:

A certified GED instructor will provide 8-12 hours of structured learning for the KUYC participants. The KUYC program will help prepare participating youth to take and pass the GED test.

Basic Living Skills Component:

Youth will be paid $6.00 per hour for attending four hours of developmental workshops per week. Workshops will include self-development, self-esteem building, personal finances, employability skills, and many others.

Graduates of the Kentucky Urban Youth Corp (KUYC) have accomplished the following:

  • Obtained a GED
  • Enrolled in College
  • Enrolled in Post-Secondary Technical Schools
  • Returned to High School
  • Secured Full-Time Employment