Florida Farmers

flower GIVE


Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc. (FOG) is a 501(c)(3) grower and consumer nonprofit organization that always has volunteer opportunities for people interested in organic agriculture. Contact us to discover ways you can help FOG.


We need an ongoing steady flow of volunteers who are willing to work hard, get dirty, and make a difference within the community. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us with your availability (days and times) and contact information and someone will contact you in the near future to follow up and schedule your work.
Duties include:
1.)Assisting GIFT Gardens Coordinator with labor involved in on-site garden installations: Shovel soil into truck; help load tools and lumber into truck; help build raised beds on-site; shovel soil out of truck and into raised beds.
2.)Preparing cypress planks for garden installations: Cut wood planks with a circular saw into standard lengths and widths necessary to build raised beds; Pre-drill holes.