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Learning from the Floods of 2008: Practical Strategies for Resilience
December 8, 2008
Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, Ames, Iowa

Speaker Presentations

Introductory Remarks

Flood Realities

Farming Systems

Lunch Presentation

Urban Systems

River Systems

Summary Materials

The Exchange from IPR (12/10/08)
University of Northern Iowa's Kamyar Enshayan, Mark Ackelson from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, and urban conservationist Wayne Petersen were guests on Iowa Public Radio's Exchange program to talk about what was learned at the December 8 flood workshop. Listen to this hour-long program.

On-The Run Notes
Our conference summary notes (PDF)

Rebuild Iowa Reports

120-Day Report of Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission (November 17)

Unified Task Force Report (October 2008)
RIO 120 Task Force Report FINAL 2008 10 31 akm.pdf (PDF)

Summarizes nine task force/resource groups:

Agriculture and Environment Task Force Report (August 2008)
ag-enviro_report_08-2008.pdf (PDF)

Supplemental Information to the August 2008 Agriculture and Environment Task Force Report
(more details and scientific data reviewed by the group)
ag-enviro_supplement_08-2008.pdf (PDF)

Extra Readings from the Speakers

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back on U.S. Floodplains, Science Magazine
FloodplainScience.pdf (PDF)

Managing Floods of the Future: Insights from the November 12 & 13 Workshops
A brief summary of insights from the November 2008 Iowa City/Cedar Falls floodplain management workshops, by Kamyar Enshayan
Insights_from_08_floodplain_ mngt_workshops.doc (DOC)

The Great Flood of 1993 on the Upper Mississippi River - 10 Years Later
An illustrated four-page overview of the U.S. Geological Service perspective on the 1993 Iowa flood and the federal response in the 10 years following. Argues for real time streamflow gauging stations as a necessary tool.
USGS_1993_flood_10_years_later.pdf (PDF)

Manage Land to Manage Floods
Duane Sand, the public policy director for the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, lays out an argument for land and water management, based on the recent floods and the lessons learned from the 1993 floods.
Manage_Land_Manage_Floods_2008.pdf (PDF)

Levy District 8 Case Study 1995
A case study that describes how a public/private partnership transformed the flood- damaged 'levee district 8' (Louisa County, Iowa) into the Horseshoe Bend Division of the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge.
Levy_District_8_case_study_1995.pdf (PDF)

Pollution Solutions: Preventing Ag Run-Off
In this Fall 2008 brief from the Iowa Environmental Council, Craig Cox, Midwest Vice- President of the Environmental Working Group, offers some solutions for dealing with the agricultural runoff that is causing environmental problems both in Iowa waters and as far away as the Gulf of Mexico.
IEC_Pollution_Solutions_Article.pdf (PDF)