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North Sound Workshop

Join us for an afternoon workshop to network and discuss how to strengthen our local foodsystem in the Northern Puget Sound counties.

Who: Farmers, food artisans, local food processors, vintners, chefs, bakers, restaurateurs, grocers, and school, hospital, or nursing home food service representatives interested in direct marketing opportunities.

What: A networking meeting to connect local farmers and producers with local food buyers.  An educational workshop to share and discuss solutions to barriers within our local foodsystem.

When: Monday, March 2nd 2009 1-5pm

Where:  WSU – Mount Vernon Research and Education Center

WSDA – Small Farm and Direct Marketing Program
WSDA – Farm-to-School Program
Northwest Agriculture Business Center
Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland
Sustainable Connections

Contact Information:
  Mark McIntyre (206)632-0606
