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Eat Local for Thanksgiving


Around this time last year, individuals and organizations throughout Washington came together with the goals of promoting local food and building community by supporting the Eat Local for Thanksgiving Campaign.

The central focus of the campaign was getting interested community leaders and individuals to take the Eat Local for Thanksgiving Pledge — to include at least one locally grown or raised food in their Thanksgiving meal. In addition to encouraging people to take the pledge, fun and educational events and materials created by the campaign focused on the economic and environmental benefits of supporting local farms by eating locally.

The campaign was a huge success.

Over 2,500 people took the pledge and enjoyed Washington’s Fall harvest bounty of vegetables, fruits, dairy, herbs, turkey, wine, cider, grains, nuts, seafood, and other local foodstuffs on their holiday table. According to feedback from last year’s participants, the overwhelming reason given for taking the pledge was to support local farmers – a resounding endorsement of ongoing efforts in our region to sustain a viable farming future.

We are off to a great start for the 2008 Eat Local for Thanksgiving campaign.  We are building on last year’s successes, as well as expanding the campaign’s focus to demonstrate how choosing local food is a great value for freshness, taste and community sustainability benefits.

We are creating eye-catching new materials as well as redesigning the website (go to We have already garnered valuable input from our colleagues and supporters, which will ensure this year's campaign is even more successful.

In order to make this year another huge success, we need additional sources of funding and are asking our community partners to sponsor Eat Local for Thanksgiving 2008.  This grassroots funding strategy will ensure positive community buy-in from the start of the campaign and will help tie the campaign ideas back into the community through established and trusted organizations.  We ask for your support for Eat Local for Thanksgiving 2008. Let’s continue to make 2008 a triumphant year for local food and healthy communities!  Please consider making a donation to help Eat Local for Thanksgiving 2008.

Thank you and we look forward to your support,

Eat Local for Thanksgiving Steering Committee:

Puget Sound Fresh, Cascade Harvest Coalition, King County, Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance, Good Food Strategies, WSDA Small Farm and Direct Marketing Program, WSU Extension King County, Seattle Tilth, the Acting Food Policy Council, BALLE Seattle and Sustainable Ballard.
