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About Us

Cascade Harvest Coalition is a non-profit organization dedicated to “re-localizing” the food system in Washington State by more directly connecting consumers and producers. Through our programs and activities, we accomplish this by:

  • Supporting farmers. A healthy food system requires healthy farmers. That means providing farmers with access to land, information, training, markets and the resources they need to help them be sustainable.
  • Educating consumers. Everyone eats. But what we eat has a profound impact on the world around us. Providing consumers with information on the many economic and environmental benefits of local agriculture, and helping them identify where and how to buy locally, gives consumers the tools they need to make informed choices.
  • Building healthy communities. Re-localizing the food system requires a community. Developing partnerships with a broad diversity of food system constituents, sharing information and resources, and collaborative action provide increased opportunities for creating effective change that benefits all of us.
