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Study Publications

Farming & Movement Evaluation Study (FAME)

Farming & Movement Evaluation Study (FAME)

The Farming & Movement Evaluation (FAME) Study generated data that the Epidemiology Branch and its collaborators published in a peer-reviewed journal article. To find out more about the study, please click the following links to journal article and abstract.


  1. Kamel F, Tanner CM, Umbach DM, Hoppin JA, Alavanja MCR, Blair A, Comyns K, Goldman SM, Korell M, Langston JW, Ross GW, Sandler DP. Pesticide exposure and self-reported Parkinson’s disease in the Agricultural Health Study. Amer J Epidemiol 2007;165(4):364-74. Abstract" Exit NIEHS Website

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Last Reviewed: October 09, 2008