

Nationwide SAWGs

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Colorado Organic Producers Association (COPA) was formed in 1987 to provide education, information, and networking services to promote and facilitate the production, distribution, and consumption of Colorado organic food products.  COPA members represent all segments of agriculture — production, processing, wholesale, retail, and consumer.    

Alternative Energy Resources Organization  (AERO)   Promoting sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and conservation, environmental quality, and community self-reliance.

Oregon Tilth is a nonprofit research and education membership organization dedicated to biologically sound and socially equitable agriculture.  Primarily an organization of organic farmers, gardeners and consumers, Tilth offers educational events throughout the state of Oregon, and provides organic certification services to organic growers, processors, and handlers internationally.  

Tilth Producers of Washington, a Chapter of Washington Tilth Association, is the organic and sustainable farm organization of Washington State. A membership organization of over 400 Washington growers, Tilth Producers fosters and promotes ecologically sound, sustainable agriculture in the interest of environmental preservation, human health and social equity.    Since its first conference in 1974, Tilth's primary focus has been on encouraging the growth of what Wendell Berry called the "constituency for a better kind of agriculture," uniting the community of people concerned with food, agriculture and the environment.   

Southwest Marketing Network - to ensure that new, existing, and prospective farmers in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah—especially small-scale, alternative and minority producers—have access to the latest technical, financial and marketing information, as well as personal contacts with successful farm marketers as a means to improving their profitability, viability, and bottom line.    

Community Food Security Coalition - to promote comprehensive systems-oriented solutions to the nation's food and farming problems.   Community food security is defined as "all persons obtaining at all times a culturally acceptable nutritionally adequate diet through local non-emergency sources."   A community food security approach emphasizes the need to build comm;unity institutions to ensure access and availability for community residents =  building local food systems.    

Farm to Table -  to promote locally based agriculture through education, community outreach and networking.  Farm to Table enhances marketing opportunities for farmers; encourages family farming, farmers'  markets and the preservation of agricultural traditions; influences public policy; and, furthers understanding of the links between farming, food, health and local economies.

Center for Ecoliteracy - is dedicated to education for sustainable living.  Look for

:their Wellness Policy Guide:   In response to a federal requirement that every school district work with parents and community members to develop a Wellness Policy by fall 2006, this guide provides language and instructions for drafting a policy that places health at the center of the academic curriculum. - Aims to disseminate information of use to people with small farms or rural property.  Topics include aquaculture, beekeeping, livestock, orchard and forage crops, and pest control.  Most documents are in pdf format.