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Component Information and Models
The Component Information and Models Department is the Nuclear Weapons Complex preferred source for component information, testing, and selection support for commercial and custom parts. Also provided are electrical device models and high performance circuit simulation tools.

Click on a wedge in the graphic to see more of what we do in detail!

  Click on a wedge to see more of what we do in detail! War Reserve COTS Insertion Process (WRCIP) enterprise Component Information System (eCIS) High Performance Electrical Modeling and Simulation (HPEMS) Component Modeling Component Test and Evaluation

Frequency Devices
The Frequency Devices Department designs and develops mixed signal electronics for microsystems. This includes the development, use and implementation of commercial and Sandia-developed sensors to provide functional sensor subsystems, and design and product engineering of such systems for clocks, oscillators, and sensors for national security applications.

Click on the picture to find out more about us!

  Frequency Device

Passive Devices/Interconnects
The Passive Devices/Interconnects Department provides Connectors, Interconnection Components, and Passive RF Components.

  • Our Connectors area will help you optimize your choice of connectors for your requirements.
  • Our Interconnection Components area will work with you to define your needs for electrical interconnections and to translate them into custom cables and junction boxes to meet your system requirements.
  • Our Passive RF Components area will work with you to identify, specify and acquire Passive RF Components from qualified suppliers as either SA/MC or commercial parts.



Hybrid Coupler

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