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NOFA Video Project

A Library of Introductory and Expert Videos on Organic Growing

Video Project

NOFA Video Project

Introductory Videos

Expert Videos

Organic Greats

Video Orderform

The NOFA Video Project is a collection of VHS audio/visual videos on all aspects of organic growing. There are a handful of introductory videos, a large collection of expert videos, and a few Organic Greats. Nearly all the videos were taped at NOFA Summer Conferences over the past fifteen years and are available for rent or sale; the remainder (the Organic Greats) are professional vidoetapes featuring some of the most well-known individuals in the organic movement and are available solely for non-commercial renting and viewing.

To rent or buy the introductory or expert videos, simply send a check for $15 for each video along with the order form to the NOFA Video Project. If you only want to borrow the video, return it in original condition within 30 days and we'll send you back $10.

Videos from the Organic Greats series may only be borrowed. Send us $50 along with the order form. Return the video within 30 days and we'll send you a check for $40.

If you would like to borrow one video and exchange it with another when you are through, please send a $5 check (introductory or expert) or $10 check (Organic Greats) along with the first video when you return it. When we receive a returned video without a new order, we'll send you your full refund to conclude the transaction.

Show me the introductory videos!

Let me browse the expert videos by category, name or number.

Take me to the Organic Greats!

This page was last modified on March 11, 2004 at 10:23:45 AM.

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