Legal Scales Requests for Public Records

Requests for information to ISDA generally fall into two categories: general information request or public records request.

A general information request includes, but is not limited to, information pertaining to how ISDA operates and requests for copies of agency policies, forms, procedures, pamphlets, booklets, and other printed information designed for distribution. Much of this general information is already provided on this website for your convenience, and can be found either by reviewing one or more of the general areas of interests listed on our homepage or by using the search tool found at the top of each webpage.

Request for general information can also be made and/or answered by a phone call to ISDA or sending an email.

A public records request includes, but is not limited to, written documents and electronic files containing information relating to the conduct or administration of the public's business prepared, owned, used or retained by ISDA. Under the Public Writings Law (also known as the Public Records Act), the public can request in writing to examine or copy these types of public records.

While most agency records are available to the public, certain records may be withheld from disclosure due to their confidential nature; the exemptions to public disclosure are described below.

Idaho Public Records Law Manual (Office of the Attorney General, 2007) (pdf)

Procedure for Request to Inspect, Examine or Copy Public Records

The Idaho Public Records Law


Costs for Providing Public Records

Inspection and Correction of a Person’s Own Records 

Denial of Request


Penalty and Immunity

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