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How to Join
  Joining the Newswise community is simple and confers several benefits, including complimentary subscriptions to Newswise wires and access to privileged web content. To receive enhanced content privileges, please identify yourself, so we can extend the courtesy of a username/password. We protect your privacy.

Journalists, source--or contributing--institutions, and members of the public will find directions for joining the Newswise Community below. You may also send email ( or call (434-296-9417) if you need help.
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To join, so that your organization may contribute news, call 434-296-9417 or fill out our online membership request. If you need more information, you might want to review our Services for Contributors. This examines the value of Newswise from the perspective of public information professionals, explores our relationships with the media, and helps you choose a membership level and fee structure best suited to your needs.
  To register, complete our online public registration form.