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Richard Reid's shoe bomb

Bomb Squad Training — Sandia has some of the world’s top bomb-disablement experts and technology. Here, Sandia’s Chris Cherry briefs police bomb squad members before a live demonstration at a training session.


Helping our nation secure a peaceful and free world through technology


Our highest goal is to become the laboratory that the United States turns to first for innovative, science-based systems engineering solutions to our nation’s most challenging national security problems that threaten peace and freedom for our nation and the globe.

When we achieve our highest goal, we are widely recognized as a national leader in preventing technological surprise, in anticipating threats, in providing innovative, science-based systems engineering solutions to our nation’s most challenging national security problems, and in managing the Laboratories in a way that inspires customer confidence.

The excitement and importance of our work, our exemplary work environment, our partnerships with academia, industry, and other partners, and our record of historic contributions help us to attract exceptional staff. Our employees are recognized by their professional peers for their outstanding contributions.