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Current APS Memoirs Catalogs
Current APS Transactions Titles Available on Demand

Mary Pat McPherson, Executive Officer
Mary C. McDonald, Editor
Susan M. Babbitt, Associate Editor

The Publications Department of the American Philosophical Society continues to maintain the reputation for scholarly excellence that began with Benjamin Franklin and the publication of the first Transactions in 1771.

This first series recorded Society activities, elections, deaths, etc., and reported on scholarly research in various disciplines in the humanities and sciences.

Today the Transactions is a highly respected series of monographs, five of which are currently published each year. Titles printed in 2007 include:

Franz Boas, reading in his study

  • Classical Romantic: Identity in the Latin Poetry of Vincent Bourne,
    by Estelle Haan
  • The Tintype in America, 1856–1880,
    by Janice G. Schimmelman
  • Dashkova: A Life of Influence and Exile,
    by Alexander Woronzoff-Dashkoff
  • Beyond Combat: Essays in Military History in Honor of Russell F. Weigley,
    edited by Edward G. Longacre and Theodore J. Zeman
  • The Making of a Romantic Icon: The Religious Context of Friedrich Overbeck’s Italia und Germania,
    by Lionel Gossman (winner of the 2007 J. F. Lewis Award)

A second series of books was started in 1937 with the first volume of the Memoirs, books of various lengths in many scholarly disciplines. Recent publications include:

  • The Library of Benjamin Franklin,
    by Edwin Wolf 2nd and Kevin J. Hayes
  • The Temple of Night at Schönau: Architecture, Music, and Theater in a Late Eighteenth Century Viennese Garden,
    by John A. Rice
  • Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes,
    by Vincent Ilardi (winner of the 2006 J. F. Lewis Award)
  • The Passion of George Sarton: A Modern Marriage and Its Discipline,
    by Lewis Pyenson
  • Alexander the Great: Coinage, Finances, and Policy,
    by George Le Rider (translated by W. E. Higgins, with a preface by G. W. Bowersock)
  • Polar Hayes: The Life and Contributions of Isaac Israel Hayes, M.D.,
    by Douglas Wamsley (IN PRODUCTION)

The Society also publishes a quarterly journal, the Proceedings (1838). Articles in the journal include papers read at the Society's biannual meetings, independent essays sent to the APS by outside scholars, and biographical memoirs of Society members. Selected papers are available online.

A Yearbook is published annually and includes a listing of resident and international members, the President's Annual Message, and the Report of the Executive Officer. It is available to the members of the American Philosophical Society on the Members Only website.

Previous volumes of our Transactions and Proceedings are now available to scholars through JSTOR, an online library archive ( We are a part of the Arts and Sciences Complement IV group. Volumes are archived with a six-year window; currently titles through 2000 are available. Also, several of our more-popular Transactions and Memoirs titles that were out of print are available for on-demand printing through Lightning Source (

Manuscripts are accepted for review by the Committee on Publications which meets in February, June, and October. All manuscripts (Proceedings, Transactions, Memoirs) are reviewed by at least two qualified scholars; see the APS stylesheet for further information.

    Publications Department
    American Philosophical Society
    104 South Fifth Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106


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