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© Newswise.
All Rights Reserved.

President and Creative Co-Director

Roger Johnson
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Phone: 434-296-9417
Contact if:
  • You are a medical or scientific institution, professional society or association, or university and you are interested in joining Newswise.
  • You have comments or suggestions about Newswise services.
Roger was a scientist and then a science journalist. He started Newswise in 1991, before the World Wide Web existed, as the first online resource for journalists seeking research news.

Creative Co-Director and CIO

Stefan Rice
Location: Helsinki, Finland

Contact if:
  • You have enquiries related to our development team.
  • You have creative or operational questions, comments, or suggestions about interacting with Newswise, our information systems, website, interface or technologies.
Stefan has been co-developing Newswise since its earliest, pre-internet days, and takes a special interest in the creative deployment of emerging technologies.

Vice President for Business Development

Zakira Beasley
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Phone: 434-296-9417
Contact if:
  • You are interested in joining Newswise and you are a medical or scientific institution, professional society or association, or university.
Zakira’s background is in business and non-profit development and management, most recently in software education. She also enjoys teaching English to speakers of other languages, meditation, and living in rural central Virginia.

Member Services Manager

Andy Roy
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Phone: 434-296-9417
Contact if:
  • You require assistance with your current membership, including uploading news releases and negotiating the features of your membership most effectively.
  • You need general customer support or have questions.
Andy graduated from Wheaton College in Massachusetts with a B.A. in English.

Accounts Receivable

Debbie Walker
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Phone: 434-296-9417
Contact if:
  • You have questions about billing or your account with Newswise.
  • You would like to pay your invoice with a credit card.

Editor/Media Outreach Director

Thom Canalichio
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Phone: 434-296-9417
Contact if:
  • You are a reporter with questions about news releases and/or your subscription. Also contact Thom if you have questions about your Newswise log-in information, Calendar items, and/or Awards.
  • You are a reporter and would like to subscribe to or unsubscribe from Newswise.
Thom graduated from the University of Virginia in 2003 with a major in English, working since then in customer service and medical publishing.

Senior Editor

Craig Jones
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Contact if:
  • You have specific editorial questions.
  • You have questions about editing or deleting a news release.
Since graduating from Emerson College in 1995, Craig has worked as a freelance writer, copyeditor and library assistant.


215 5th Street, SW, Ste. 100
Charlottesville, VA 22903
TEL: 434-296-9417
FAX: 434-296-9468