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University of Maine Cooperative Extension
5741 Libby Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5741
(207) 581-3188
1-800-287-0274 (in Maine)
TDD: 1-800-287-8957 (in Maine)
FAX: (207) 581-1387

What is University of Maine Cooperative Extension?

UMaine Extension is your doorway to University of Maine expertise. We put university research to work—in homes, businesses, farms, and communities—in every corner of Maine.

We are part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System, which works through the land-grant universities in each U.S. state. Maine's land-grant university is in Orono at The University of Maine. In addition to our state offices in Orono, we have a network of county-based offices staffed by experts who provide practical, locally based solutions for farmers, small business owners, kids, parents, consumers, and others.

We receive federal support through USDA-CSREES, state support through the University of Maine, and local support through Maine county governments

Congress created the Cooperative Extension System nearly a century ago to reach out and literally "extend" the resources of land-grant universities to the general public. Today the Extension system works in six major areas:

  • 4-H Youth Development—Through hands-on projects and activities, we help young people cultivate life skills that build character and help them make good life and career choices.

  • Agriculture—We help farmers improve productivity through resource management, control of crop pests, soil testing, livestock production strategies, and marketing.

  • Leadership Development—We train professionals and volunteers to deliver programs in gardening, health and safety, family and consumer issues, and 4-H youth development and serve in leadership roles in the community.

  • Natural Resources—We teach landowners and homeowners how to use natural resources wisely and protect the environment, through educational programs in water quality, wildlife habitat, forestry, composting, lawns and gardens, and waste management.

  • Family and Consumer Sciences—Extension helps families become resilient and healthy by teaching nutrition, food safety, positive child care, family communication, financial management, and health strategies.

  • Community and Economic Development—Extension helps local governments investigate and create viable options for economic and community development, such as improved job creation and retention, small and medium-sized business development, effective and coordinated emergency response, solid waste disposal, tourism development, workforce education, and land use planning.

To make sure our work meets local needs, we periodically invite Maine residents to tell us what they care most about, and then we update our efforts accordingly.

During our most recent needs assessment, Maine people asked us to focus on helping families, businesses, agricultural enterprises, and communities address current issues in a way that ensures a viable future for their children and grandchildren.

Therefore our Five Goals for Maine for the next five years emphasize sustainability—of families, of resources, and of communities:

Goal 1: Enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of Maine agriculture and aquaculture.

Goal 2: Increase the economic and social viability and sustainability of Maine communities.

Goal 3: Enhance the safety, sustainability, and dependability of Maine’s food supply.

Goal 4: Improve the lives of Maine citizens through positive human development, healthy lifestyles and nutrition, and lifelong wellness.

Goal 5: Protect and enhance Maine’s natural resources and environment through sustainable stewardship.

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