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Press Releases and Other Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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This Week at EIA Notification of all new EIA products over the last week.
EIA Press Releases Receive notification of a new EIA press release.
As Needed
Energy In Briefs Articles that explain important energy topics in plain language. Each Brief answers a question relevant to the public and recommends resources for further reading.
As Needed
Monthly Energy Review Receive notification when the updated Monthly Energy Review is released.
Financial and Industry Analysis Receive notification and information about updated financial information.
As Needed
State Energy Data Products Receive notification when the updated State Energy Data Product is released.
As Needed
EIA Jobs Receive notification for job openings at EIA.
As Needed

Petroleum Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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This Week in Petroleum A report detailing recent events in petroleum markets, including info on propane, gasoline, distillate, and crude oil.
Petroleum Analysis Product Notification Notification of the release of new petroleum analysis publications, reports, presentations, etc.
As needed
Weekly On-Highway Diesel Prices Current assessment of U.S. and regional on-highway diesel prices.
Weekly On-Highway Diesel Prices for Wireless Devices Especially for wireless devices, an abbreviated list of U.S. and regional on-highway diesel prices.
Weekly Retail Gasoline Prices Current assessment of U.S. and regional gasoline prices.
EIA Petroleum Data News Provide advance notification of unscheduled delays and/or changes in content or format for the following publications: Weekly Petroleum Status Report (WPSR), the Petroleum Supply Monthly (PSM), and the Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM). It will also provide notification of scheduled releases of the PSM and PMM.
As Needed
Natural Gas Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Natural Gas Analysis Product Notification This mailing notifies subscribers of the release of new natural gas analysis publications, reports, presentations, etc.
As needed
Natural Gas Monthly Contains monthly data on the overall aspects of the natural gas industry.
Natural Gas Restructuring/Residential Choice Programs and Next Generation Natural Gas Project Provides announcements of updates to EIA information on the status of natural gas industry restructuring in each state, focusing on residential customer class, as well as work on the project to redesign EIA's natural gas information program to reflect industry restructuring.
As Needed
Natural Gas Underground Storage Provides special announcements regarding the Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (WNGSR).
As Needed
Natural Gas Weekly Market Update Weekly analysis of current price, supply and storage data along with a three week snapshot of the weather in four distinct regions.
Coal Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Coal Products Notification This mailing notifies subscribers of the release of any new coal product.  See schedule of products to be released at http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/coal/page/product_schedule.html
As Needed

Environment Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Greenhouse Gas Products Information on the various greenhouse gas reports produced by EIA.
As Needed

Electricity Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Electricity Products Notification This mailing notifies subscribers of the release of any new electricity product.  See list of products at http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/schedule/schedule_electric.html
As Needed
International Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Annual International Energy Statistics EIA's International (Energy) Web Page provides access to annual international energy and energy-related data. This list notifies you when any of the data are updated or when data for a new year or a new topic are added.
As Needed
International Petroleum Monthly The report provides monthly international oil data, including production, consumption, net imports, and stocks (inventories). This list notifies you when a new report is released.
Country Analysis Briefs: All Countries Analyses on major energy issues for approximately 70 individual countries and about 10 special topics related to international energy markets. These reports are generally updated on an annual basis. This list notifies you when any of the Briefs are updated or a new Brief is released. If you join this list, you cannot join any other Country Analysis Briefs list.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Americas Analyses on major energy issues for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean Sea, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama Canal, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: East Asia, South Asia, and Australia Analyses on major energy issues for Afghanistan, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Europe and the Former Soviet Union Republics analyses on major energy issues for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Caspian Sea, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Sea, Poland, Russia, Russian Oil & Gas Exports, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Middle East and North Africa Analyses on major energy issues for Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Persian Gulf Oil Exports, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Special Topics Fact sheets on various topics related to international energy markets. Currently, these reports include an OPEC Fact Sheet, a Non-OPEC Fact Sheet, a Chronology of World Oil Markets for 1970-1997, a Monthly Energy Chronology, World Oil "Areas of Special Interest", World Energy Sanctions, World Oil "Choke Points", and special one-time analyses on topics related to current market developments.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Sub-Saharan Africa Analyses on major energy issues for Angola, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, and South Africa.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Central America and the Caribbean Analyses on major energy issues for the Caribbean, Central America, Guatemala, Panama Canal, and Puerto Rico.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: South America Analyses on major energy issues for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: North America Analyses on major energy issues for Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Western Europe Analyses on major energy issues for European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, North Sea, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Central and Eastern Europe Analyses on major energy issues for Croatia, Czech, Poland, Romania, and Serbia.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Newly Independent States Analyses on major energy issues for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Caspian Sea, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Russian Exports, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: South Asia Analyses on major energy issues for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, South Asia regional fact sheet, and Sri Lanka.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Northeast Asia Analyses on major energy issues for China, Hong Kong, Japan, North and South Korea, and Taiwan.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Southeast Asia Analyses on major energy issues for Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South China Sea, Thailand, and Vietnam.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: OPEC/Oil Markets Analyses on major energy issues for OPEC, non-OPEC, OPEC Revenues, World Oil "Choke Points", plus individual OPEC members Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Venezuela.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Expanded Environmental Sections Analyses on major energy-related environmental issues for approximately 40 countries.
As Needed
Country Analysis Briefs: Energy Chronologies Monthly and annual energy chronologies.

Forecast Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Annual International Summary Forecasts of the international energy markets through 2030. This report is an extension of the Annual Energy Outlook publication.
As Needed
Annual U.S. Summary Forecasts of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030. These projections are based on results from EIA's National Energy Modeling System (NEMS).
As Needed
Short-Term Energy Outlook Summary Highlights and summary stastistics from EIA's latest Short-Term Energy Outlook.
As Needed

Consumption Lists - check one or more list & enter email address to subscribe above
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Energy Users Announcements regarding reports, briefs, and data availability on energy consumption, expenditures, and energy-related characteristics for the following groups of users: residential households, commercial buildings, and manufacturing establishments. From time to time, special products will focus on other topics such as: cross-sectorial energy use, energy efficiency, or energy use in the transportation sector.
As Needed
Discussion of Energy Efficiency Analysis Issues This moderated list presents a forum for those interested in Energy Efficiency analysis issues to discuss related issues.
As Needed