Kentucky State University

Academic Support Services

Academic Support Services has a range of services for all KSU students.

Academic Advising tries to ensure that each student receives personal attention and assistance with his/her problems and concerns. Students, however, are expected to take the initiative to seek any needed assistance.

Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) - The primary goal of the Academic Center for Excellence is to provide support for students with personalized, supplemental instruction in writing, reading, study strategies, improving note-taking and test-taking skills and In addition, ACE offers free tutoring assistance to all KSU students in the academic areas of mathematics, science, and foreign language is available. All students may take advantage of these free services while enrolled at the University. ACE also employs highly qualified peer tutors who model positive attitudes, values, and skills while helping students to become actively involved in their learning. For more information, please visit ACE in Room 110 in the Carl M. Hill Student Center, or call (502) 597-6680.

Center for Professional and Career Preparation (CPCP) and Placement Testing provides a collaborative learning environment which connects students, faculty, staff and the community in meaningful learning activities. The use of technology and test preparation guides supports and provides opportunities that enhance the students' career and professional choices.

Disability Resource Center (DRC) at Kentucky State University (KSU) assures that students with disabilities receive equal access to education by providing services and auxiliary aids in accordance with statutes in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Assistance to students is not limited to the aforementioned statutes as various other laws such as those pertaining to building accessibility and website accessibility are also applicable. 

FRIENDS - Finding Resources In Education for NontraDitional Students -provides assistance to students who are beginning or continuing their education as adult learners. It provides nontraditional students with assistance in college reading, writing, study skills and time management.

Global Education Programs provides KSU students, faculty, and administrators opportunities to participate in exchange and study abroad programs as well as other international educational experiences through various academic consortia.