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Traveling Programs

Teachers: Visit our school program listings.

Our professional educators travel throughout New England, bringing science and technology programs to children. We offer programs for schools and the general public. Browse our catalog (PDF). To make a reservation, call 617-723-2500.

School programs support learning goals of the Massachusetts science learning standards.

Public traveling programs serve the needs of wider audiences and are often booked for libraries, after-school programs, PTA/PTO family science nights, day camps, and senior groups. Read on for public program descriptions.

Super-Cold Science (Traveling Program)

Amazing things happen when matter changes temperature. With the help of a Museum educator and an intensely cold liquid, visitors will experience the remarkable changes of size, form, and behaviors that occur when a variety of objects and substances are super-cooled. Capacity: 150 people per presentation; 1 to 3 presentations per day ... (details).

Science Magic (Traveling Program)

Ever wonder how magic tricks really work? This program investigates the science behind the "magic" of several classic magic tricks. You might learn how to snatch a tablecloth without disturbing the items on top, make a balloon fireproof, and use electromagnetism to defy gravity. For the grand finale, ... (details).

Reptiles (Traveling Program)

Are snakes actually slimy? Why do snapping turtles snap? And most importantly, what makes a reptile, a reptile? The best way to become acquainted with reptiles is to meet animals from the Museum's Live Animal Center. Together we will answer these questions and many more while we learn about these incredible animals ... (details).

Night Sky (Traveling Program)

Discover what stars, planets, and other astronomical wonders are visible this evening. Using our portable planetarium, we will take you on a tour of the solar system and beyond and provide useful tips on how you can navigate the night sky from your own backyard. Capacity: 25 people per presentation; 2 to 5 presentations per day ... (details).

Fog, Flowers & Fireworks (Traveling Program)

What do fog, flowers, and fireworks have in common? Chemistry! Witness some cloud-forming, color-changing, and explosive indications that a chemical reaction is taking place. Capacity: 150 people per presentation; 1 to 2 presentations per day. Schedule: Available Monday - Saturday, mornings, afternoons, and evenings ... (details).

Animal Invaders (Traveling Program)

How do some animals walk on the ceiling while others can fit through holes smaller than their bodies? Who needs to eat ten percent of their body weight on a daily basis? Find answers to these questions and more as you are introduced to up to three live species of invaders. Using demonstrations of these ... (details).

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