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Found 500 stories with video or audio content.
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Showing results 1 – 10.<<  12345678...50  >>
Description      Date         Duration   
MEDPrimary Care Physicians Could Help Fill Colonoscopist Shortage, Researcher Says
Primary care physicians can perform life-saving colonoscopies safely and effectively, according to an analysis published in the journal of the Annals of Family Medicine.
Annals of Family Medicine
16:15 ET
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Research Citation
 University of Virginia Health SystemView Article 
MEDResearcher Wins $1.2 Million Grant for Gene Regulation Work
A unique discovery in a Florida State University College of Medicine laboratory is the basis for research with the potential to one day help scientists learn how to stop cancer and other diseases in the tissue where they are forming.
11:40 ET
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 Florida State UniversityView Article 
SCIScientists Discover an Ancient Odor-Detecting Mechanism in Insects
A newly discovered family of receptors in the fly nose fills in a missing piece of the insect olfactory system -- and also suggests a new role for a class of receptors long believed to be confined to the depths of the brain. (Embargo expired on 08-Jan-2009 at 12:00 ET.)
Cell, 9-Jan-2009
12:00 ET
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Research Citation
 Rockefeller UniversityView Article 
MEDBabies Delivered by C-Section Before 39 Weeks More Likely to Have Serious Health Problems
A new study conducted in part at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has found that babies delivered by elective Caesarean section before 39 weeks of pregnancy, to mothers who previously had an elective C-section, are much more likely to have serious health problems than newborns delivered under the same circumstances at 39 weeks. (Embargo expired on 07-Jan-2009 at 17:00 ET.)
NEJM, 8-Jan-2009
17:00 ET
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Research Citation
 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of MedicineView Article 
MEDRepeat C-Section Before 39 Weeks Raises Risk of Neonatal Illness
Women choosing repeat cesarean deliveries and having them at term but before completing 39 weeks gestation are up to two times more likely to have a baby with serious complications including respiratory distress resulting in mechanical ventilation and NICU admission. (Embargo expired on 07-Jan-2009 at 17:00 ET.)
NEJM, 8-Jan-2009
17:00 ET
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Research Citation
 University of Alabama at BirminghamView Article 
MEDSix Things Women Should Know About the Pap Test
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center shares important information about the cervical cancer screening exam, the Pap test.
Expert available
11:50 ET
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 University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer CenterView Article 
SCIHubble Views Galactic Core in Unprecedented New Detail
This composite color infrared image of the center of our Milky Way galaxy reveals a new population of massive stars and new details in complex structures in the hot ionized gas swirling around the central 300 light-years. This sweeping Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope panorama is the sharpest infrared picture ever made of the Galactic core. (Embargo expired on 05-Jan-2009 at 13:00 ET.)
213Tth meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Long Beach, Calif.
13:00 ET
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Research Citation
 Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)View Article 
MEDVets & Depression: Return from War to Fight New Battle
With a suicide rate that is three times higher than that of the overall VA patient population, depression is a “very potent” risk factor for suicide among people receiving treatment for depression at the VA.
J. of Affective Disorders, Jan-2009
08:00 ET
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Research Citation
 University of Michigan Health SystemView Article 
MEDCaution Urged When Giving Kids Cold and Flu Meds
It’s cold and flu season again, causing misery for the little people in your household. New guidelines warn parents that over-the-counter cold medications should not be used in children under 6 years of age. But what should parents do to help their children through the runny nose, cough and aches?
08:00 ET
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 University of Michigan Health SystemView Article 
MEDStaying Healthy in a Tough Economy
Current research shows the worsening economy is causing many people to cut down on their prescription medications, postpone visits with their health-care providers and put off important routine health screenings and vaccinations. These actions may save money in the short run, but is it the best thing to do?
08:00 ET
Embedded Video Embedded Audio
 University of Michigan Health SystemView Article 

Showing results 1 – 10.<<  12345678...50  >>

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