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This feature channel highlights experts, research, and feature stories related to exercise and nutrition.

Found 13 stories in this channel.
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Description      Date      
MEDEmbargoed Story

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 20-Jan-2009 at 16:00 ET.

18:05 ET
Research Citation
 American Medical Association (AMA) 
MEDEmbargoed Story

A reporter's PressPass is required to access this story until the embargo expires on 20-Jan-2009 at 16:00 ET.

18:00 ET
Research Citation
 American Medical Association (AMA) 
MEDFree Exercise and Nutrition Program in Brazil Could Serve as Model in United States
What if free exercise classes were offered in public spaces such as parks, beaches and recreation centers? When a city government in Brazil tried such a program, it greatly increased physical activity among community members. A group of health researchers who studied the program believes it could also work in U.S. cities with warm climates.
Am. J. of Public Health, Jan-2009
13:45 ET
Research Citation
 Washington University in St. LouisView Article 
MEDStaying Healthy Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank
Tough economic times are causing many people to tighten the belt on personal finances. But trimming fat from the budget doesn’t have to lead to an expanding waistline. Experts at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute offer the following free and low-cost strategies to help maintain good health as well as possibly reduce various cancer risks.
16:10 ET
 Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteView Article 
MEDBiomechanics in Design: Arc Trainer Maximizes Workout without Discomfort
Millions of people will flock to the gym to conquer their New Year’s resolutions in the coming weeks all in an attempt to lose weight and improve their overall health. For most, achieving these goals in the least stressful way and in less time will be just as important. Becoming more knowledgeable about equipment and the applications which help achieve higher intensities is an important part of the equation.
09:00 ET
 CYBEXView Article 
MEDWii Fit A Promising Tool For All Ages; Game's Health Measurements Flawed
A Kansas State University researcher thinks games like Nintendo's Wii Fit can help promote physical rather than sedentary activities for people of all ages.
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Oct-2008
17:55 ET
Research Citation
 Kansas State UniversityView Article 
MEDGoal-Setting Drills Make for More Active Coworkers
Workplace programs that encourage employees to set exercise goals pay off, finds a new study that looked at physical activity levels of Home Depot employees. The proportion of employees who regularly participated in either moderate or vigorous physical activity rose from about 30 percent at the start of the study to about 50 percent by study’s end. (Embargo expired on 06-Jan-2009 at 00:00 ET.)
Am. J. of Preventive Medicine, Feb-2009
00:00 ET
Research Citation
 Health Behavior News ServiceView Article 
SCIApple Peel Getting a Boost from High-Profile Sports Events
High-profile sporting events like the BCS national football championship this week in Miami, and the Olympic Games in China last summer, are enabling food products fortified with dried apple peel powder (DAPP) to be "field tested" on the world stage. AppleBoost energy snack tubes--organic applesauce fortified with apple peel powder in portable packaging--were shipped in this week by the Oklahoma Sooners as they prepare to take on the Florida Gators in the BCS title game January 8. Six thousand AppleBoost snack tubes were also provided to US Olympians for their flight to China last summer.
09:00 ET
 Timothy Communications/AppleBoost Products Inc.View Article 
MEDExercise Is Healthy Option for Kids With Developmental Disabilities
Group exercise programs, treadmill training and horseback riding can be healthy choices for children with developmental disabilities, a new review of studies concludes. With these kinds of activities, children with disorders such as autism, mental retardation and cerebral palsy can improve their coordination and aerobic fitness. (Embargo expired on 31-Dec-2008 at 00:00 ET.)
Am. J. of Health Promotion, Jan/Feb-2009
00:00 ET
Research Citation
 Health Behavior News ServiceView Article 
MEDFive Tips to Help Families Eat Right on a Budget in 2009
With a new year often comes a new resolution to eat better and make healthier choices. But as the economy continues to struggle, many parents are left wondering how to provide healthy food options while shopping on a budget. Although nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are often more costly than less healthful options, there are ways families can pull the purse strings tighter without compromising on nutrition.
06:00 ET
 Nationwide Children's HospitalView Article 

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