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  Newswise is continually striving to enhance its member services, and we listen carefully to your feedback. A great many enhancements have been developed in direct response to your suggestions; a sampling of more recent developments is listed below. Are you itching for a particular feature or service? Do you have comments or suggestions about how Newswise can better meet your needs? Let us know via our suggestion form; we’d love to hear from you!  

Video and Audio

Newswise has added the ability to deliver multimedia content in real-time and on demand, allowing users to embed custom video and audio content directly into any of their news releases. To showcase such releases, Newswise has also opened a dedicated Video and Audio Library. The library is viewable by category of story (SciNews, MedNews, LifeNews or BizNews), and is sortable by date and institution. Helpful icons identify whether stories have embedded video or audio content available.

Breaking News and Feature Channels

Newswise has introduced two new tools, one for journalists writing about major breaking news events and another for feature writers. The two services are the Breaking News Channels and the Feature Channels. The former is a rapid-response system to major (national and international) front-page news events that are expected to remain on the front page for several days, providing access to related experts, research and background information grouped around breaking news events. Feature Channels, by contrast, are intelligent groupings of feature ideas that establish a thematic nexus around which feature writers can peruse, align, and juxtapose ideas in ways to devise their own unique feature article about a trend, idea or human interest story. If you would like to would like to suggest a new channel, please do so via our suggestion form.

Inline Image Browser and Image Upload System

Contributors can now encourage user interaction and enhance the long-term impact of their stories by uploading images to accompany their articles. Images are displayed in a new image browser in the upper right corner of the article's full text. (See an example article with images here.) Users may scroll through the image gallery one image at a time, without needing to reload the main article in their browser. A click on any image will open the full-sized version in a new window. Read More >>

RSS Feeds

Newswise RSS Feeds have been made available for all users. RSS, which stands for "Really Simple Syndication", is a popular new technology that facilitates the sharing and delivery of news headlines and leads to the desktop news readers and web portals of end users. RSS enhances the distribution of headlines by allowing the end user to receive automatic updates when new news is posted, as well as allowing greater control over the selection and filtering of incoming news "channels."  Read More >>

Real-Time Hit Counts

Newswise is pleased to announce that contributors can now access real-time hit counts for their Newswise news releases. To use the service, simply log-in at the top left corner of the Newswise navigation column; once logged in, click on "Real-Time Hit Counts" in the left sidebar under PIO Tools. Real-time hit counts are available to all PIO contributing members for stories contributed from July 2003 onwards.