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Judging Panels

Society of America

Entomological Foundation

ESA judging panels evaluate the nominations for the Society's honors as assigned below:

  • Honorary Membership: Five of the most recent and available Past President's of the Society.

  • Fellows: Nine Fellows with at least one from each Branch and Section, where possible.

  • Founders' Memorial Award: ESA Vice President, who serves as Chair, and one representative from each Section.

The ESA Committee on Awards selects the judging panels for the following awards, including each panel's chair unless otherwise noted. The make-up of each judging panel are also noted below. All judges serve three-year terms unless otherwise indicated.

The ESA Committee on Student Affairs (SAC) appoints the judging panel, including the chair, for the following award:

  • Student Activity Award: Two SAC members, one student who is not on the SAC, one regular member, and one member from industry, preferably a representative of the award sponsor. Students serve two years; the industry representative indefinitely, and the others three years.

Each Branch assigns its own judges for the following ESA award:

The Certification Board appoints the judging panel for the following ESA student award:

  • Student Certification Award: Three Certification Board members, one to two certified entomologists, and one (optional) representative from the award sponsor.

The President of the Plant–Insect Ecosystems Section appoints the judging panel, including the chair, for the following awards:

Each Section assigns its own judges for the following ESA award:

The ESA Committee on Awards selects the judging panels for the following awards, including each panel's chair unless otherwise noted below. The make-up of each judging panel is also noted below. All judges serve three-year terms.

The ESA Committee on Education and Youth selects the judging panel for the following awards, including each panel's chair. All judges serve three-year terms.

The President of the Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section appoints the judges for a term of three years for the following award:

For the following award, the President of the Integrative Physiological and Molecular Insect Systems Section appoints judges from that Section, as described below. The judge in his/her last year on the panel will serve as chair, as appointed by the President of the IPMIS Section.

The President of the Plant–Insect Ecosystems Section selects the judging panel for the following award. Each judge serves a three-year term.

The President of the Plant–Insect Ecosystems Section selects the five-member judging panel for the following award:

  • Pioneer Hi-Bred International Graduate Student Fellowship: The President of the Plant–Insect Ecosystems Section appoints three members, one who works on crop protection entomology, and two who work on host plant resistance). In addition, the President appoints two members who work on insect behavior and ecology. The judging panel will select the winner during the summer of 2009; the recipient of this award is selected every four years. During the following four years, the judging panel will receive an annual report on the student’s academic studies and research, which is approved and signed by the student’s advisor and sent to the judging panel. Once each annual report is approved by the judging panel, the yearly stipend is sent to the student.

The ESA President selects the judges for the following award.

Ohio State University determines the judges for the following award:


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