
Many governments intervene actively in the agriculture, food and fisheries sectors, but not always in the most efficient and effective ways. Information, analysis and advice on practical and innovative options for the reform and development of policies and the liberalisation of trade are offered. Read more ...

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OECD supports European Commission food-facility plan for developing-country farmers


On 21 November 2008, the European Parliament will discuss the budgetary aspects of a European Commission proposal to fund a €1 billion Food Facility to assist farmers in developing countries. In a statement, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría affirmed OECD’s support for the Commission proposal. 

IMF/OECD/World Bank Workshop on Food and Fuel Prices


The International Monetary Fund hosted a joint IMF/OECD/World Bank workshop in September to discuss issues related to the mid-2008 surge in food and fuel prices. This is the workshop summary.

Towards a Revised Food Aid Charter


In response to the Food Crisis Prevention Network's recommendation (www.food-security.net), the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) and the CILSS are facilitating the revision process of the Food Aid Charter to adapt it to the new food security context and enlarge its geographic coverage to the whole West African region.

Farm policy reform urgent amid rising world food prices - OECD report


The rise in global food prices has made further reform of market-distorting farm policies all the more urgent, says Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries: At a Glance. Current policies are limiting the ability of farmers to respond to market signals, to become more competitive and innovative, and thus contribute to improving the global food situation.

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