A radio play presented by Studio 7 from November 2007 to January 2008

Written by Lucia Nhamo, Verity Norman & Kevin Hanssen

Performed by Lucia Nhamo, Verity Norman & Kevin Hannsen

Music: "Hurombo" by Adam Chisvo and Chiwoniso Maraire; "Hayaya" (Episode 7 only) by Kevin Hanssen

Produced by Kevin Hanssen



Studio 7 logo
"The Bridge" production team

Episode One

The Bridge” is the story of university friends Vhai and Ruby who decide to rebuild a bridge between Denga Town and Fort Red in the country of Zimbawale. The girls are from the Blue and Red tribes, and think a bridge could help their people work together. The play follows the Red and Blue people as they work together – or not – to rebuild the Denga Town-Fort Red bridge.

Listen to Episode 1 (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode 1 (MP3)



Episode Two

In Episode One of “The Bridge,” Vhai and Ruby decided to reconstruct the bridge between the Zimbawalean towns of Denga Town and Fort Red. The two young women are determined to see their people work together! In Episode Two, Zimbawaleans celebrate the building of the bridge and characters including Gogo, Baba Blue and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory make a commitment to work together.

Listen to Episode 2 (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode 2 (MP3)



Episode Three

Problems are plaguing the building of the bridge between Denga Town and Fort Red in Zimbawale. Ruby and Vhai are trying to get their people to work together, but long prejudices are hard to shake off. In previous episodes the people of the two cities promised to cooperate – but cracks are showing in their solidarity. Random Mawabe, your trusty ZIMBC reporter, keeps you up to date on the ups and downs in Zimbawale!

Listen to Episode 3 (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode 2 (MP3)


Baba Blue

Episode Four

Kick-backs, sub-standard materials, skepticism, bribes and racism are some of the obstacles to the reconstruction of the bridge between Denga Town and Fort Red. In this series, two Zimbawalean women are trying to build a bridge between their respective towns, but their people are having trouble working together. Red and Blue people are having trouble building the bridge, and Ruby and Vhai are starting to despair. Will the Zimbawaleans set aside their differences and build the bridge to link their people?

Listen to Episode 4 (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode 4 (MP3)



Episode Five

Things are looking grave in Zimbawale where the ever-mounting transport costs are keeping Blue workers away from the job. Mr. Gregory needs a plan to ensure building continues on his side of the river. Even Ruby and Vhai, the two idealistic young women who launched the project, are in personal difficulties. Will Ruby and Vhai's dream of uniting their people become a reality?

Listen to Episode Five (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode Five (MP3)


Mrs. Gregory

Episode Six

Despite the ongoing social and economic collapse of Zimbawale, Ruby and Vhai continue to dream of building a bridge between Fort Red and Denga Town. Last week, Ruby's mother accused her of preferring the Blue people to her own Red people! And Mr. Gregory's workers were staying away from work because of soaring transport costs. Now the Blue workers are hungry and on strike! Will Baba Blue and Walter get their men back to work? Or will construction on both sides of the river come to a halt?

Listen to Episode Six (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode Six (MP3)


Episode Seven

Ruby and Vhai have overcome many hardships to keep their dream of building a bridge alive. But now these strains are taking a toll on their friendship. In previous episodes we have watched the Blue and Red people of Zimbawale struggle with an economy in collapse and myriad other problems. Although the Zimbawalean people said they wanted a bridge between their towns, they have not been able to set aside their differences long enough to build it. Can Ruby and Vhai's friendship survive the construction of the bridge from Denga Town to Fort Red?

Listen to Episode Seven (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode Seven (MP3)


Fort Red Cafe

Episode Eight

In this final episode of "The Bridge," disaster looms for Fort Red and Denga Town. The construction of the bridge has not gone as Ruby and Vhai hoped, but it now looks like a worse fate could befall the people of Zimbawale. Can the Red and Blue people cooperate to prevent disaster? Can Ruby and Vhai patch up their friendship and bring their bridge to completion?

Listen to Episode Eight (Real Audio)

Listen to Episode Eight (MP3)