Kentucky State University

School of Public Administration

The School of Public Administration was established in 1973. It offers an undergraduate and a graduate program, one leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration and the other to the Master of Public Administration degree respectively.

The study of Public Administration primarily prepares students for career employment as supervisors, managers, and decision makers in the public sector, including local, state, and federal government agencies. In addition, the graduates of the Public Administration program may be eligible for employment in similar capacities in the non profit sector.

The University's programs in Public Administration are designed to endow students with practical abilities in problem-solving, program analysis, and implementation. The structure of the academic program is based on the premise that the Public Administration student should possess skills adaptable to various tasks and employment settings. The program also emphasizes the sub-fields of management information systems, human resources/personnel, and development administration, and makes a special effort to meet the needs of professionals from the Kentucky state government.