Searchable Business Articles for the Wyoming Small Business

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Financing Your Business
Document Title and Description Download Pages
150 The Reality of Venture Capital (Part 1 of 3) PDF 10
151 The Reality of Venture Capital (Part 2 of 3) PDF 6
152 The Reality of Venture Capital (Part 3 of 3) PDF 9
153 Bankable Deals: A Question & Answer Guide to Trade Finance for U.S. Small Business (Part 1 of 2) – Information about trade financing PDF 10
154 Bankable Deals: A Question & Answer Guide to Trade Finance for U.S. Small Business (Part 2 of 2) – Information about trade financing PDF 10
155 Financing Options: All You Should Know (Part 1 of 2) – SBA financing programs PDF 9
156 Financing Options: All You Should Know (Part 2 of 2) – SBA financing programs PDF 8
157 What Do Lenders Really Need to Grant Small Business Loans - Six experts offer their opinions on small business loans PDF 16
Starting a Business in Wyoming
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
200 Thinking About Going Into Business? – Answers to questions about starting and operating a business PDF 10
201 Checklist for Starting a Business – Overview of major steps critical to planning and starting a business PDF 8
202 Starting a Business and Obtaining Financing – Answers to nine commonly asked questions PDF 4
203 Business Plan Outline – Suggested format and content of a business plan PDF 7
204 Choosing a Legal Structure for Your Business – The pros and cons of four forms of business PDF 5
206 Focus on the Facts: How to Start a Small Business – Starting a business PDF 5
207 Planning…The Most Important Ingredient – Planning for a successful business PDF 5
208 How to Price Your Products and Services – Pricing your products and services PDF 6
209 Telephone Systems for Small Business – Choosing the right telephone system for your business PDF 5
210 Information…The Key to Success – Information resources for your business PDF 5
211 Planning Considerations for Small Service Firms – Selected information important to service industries PDF 6
212 Planning Considerations for the Small Retailer – Selected information important to retail operations PDF 8
213 Planning Considerations for the Small Construction Firm – Selected information important to construction trades PDF 7
214 Planning Considerations for Small Manufacturers – Selected information important to manufacturing operations PDF 7
216 Business Feasibility: Personal Factors – Identify personal objectives, skills and financial resources PDF 7
217 Business Feasibility: Marketing PDF 8
218 Business Feasibility: Management – Identify skills you need to operate your business PDF 2
219 Business Feasibility: Money – Identify expected start-up costs and a twelve-month operating budget PDF 5
220 Business Feasibility: Money/Worksheets – Identify expected start-up costs and a twelve-month operating budget PDF 6
221 Business Feasibility: Making the Decision – Evaluate the feasibility of your business idea PDF 4
222 Reflections in the Mirror-An Entrepreneur’s Story – A true account of a successful entrepreneur PDF 14
223 Marketing Ingenuity and Invention – Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of new products at an early stage saves time and money PDF 6
224 Do-It-Yourself Research for Business Planning – Guidelines for finding information sources and conducting a business research project PDF 6
Record-Keeping and Managing Business Finances
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
250 Cash Flow Analysis – Cash flow analysis basics PDF 4
251 The Five C's of Credit PDF 4
252 Managing Accounts Payable – First in a series of five articles on cash cycle management (Part 1 of 5) PDF 14
253 Managing Accounts Payable – Second in a series of five articles on cash cycle management (Part 2 of 5) PDF 3
254 Managing Accounts Payable – Third in a series of five articles on cash cycle management (Part 3 of 5) PDF 2
255 Managing Accounts Payable – Fourth in a series of five articles on cash cycle management (Part 4 of 5) PDF 4
256 Managing Accounts Payable – Fifth in a series of five articles on cash cycle management (Part 5 of 5) PDF 3
257 The Importance of Good Record-Keeping – Essentials in record-keeping discussed PDF 5
258 Improving Decision Making with Simple Break-Even Analysis – How to use break-even analysis PDF 14
260 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 1 of 6) – Background information for case study PDF 11
261 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 2 of 6) – Discussions of problems and recommendations to resolve them PDF 10
262 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 3 of 6) – Discussion of marketing, managing and cash flow PDF 14
263 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 4 of 6) – Financial statements for cash flow case study PDF 5
264 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 5 of 6) – List of information for profit planning and financial statements for case study PDF 4
265 Convince Us You Can Solve Your Cash Flow Problems (Part 6 of 6) – Solvency indicators and profitability factors tables for study PDF 2
266 Little Effort and Large Savings – Improve Sales while increasing efficiency PDF 2
267 Three Questions that Net Present Value Analysis Can Help You Answer (Part 1 of 3) – How to use net present value in decision making PDF 9
268 Three Questions that Net Present Value Analysis Can Help You Answer (Part 2 of 3) – How to use net present value in decision making PDF 6
269 Three Questions that Net Present Value Analysis Can Help You Answer (Part 3 of 3) – How to use net present value in decision making PDF 10
270 Record-Keeping in Small Business (Part 1 of 2) – Information on record-keeping for business PDF 9
271 Record-Keeping in Small Business (Part 2 of 2) – Information on record-keeping for business PDF 11
272 Audit Checklist for the Growing Business (Part 1 of 4) – Essentials for conducting a comprehensive search for existing or potential problems in business PDF 10
273 Audit Checklist for the Growing Business (Part 2 of 4) – Managing audit analysis PDF 7
274 Audit Checklist for the Growing Business (Part 3 of 4) – Operations audit analysis PDF 11
275 Audit Checklist for the Growing Business (Part 4 of 4) – Financial audit analysis PDF 8
276 Financial Statements as a Management Tool (Part 1 of 3) – Uses of financial statements to manage business PDF 9
277 Financial Statements as a Management Tool (Part 2 of 3) – Uses of financial statements to manage business PDF 8
280 Financial Statements as a Management Tool (Part 3 of 3) – Uses of financial statements to manage business PDF 5
281 Understanding Financial Statements: What Do They Say About Your Business (Part 1 of 3) – A guide to understanding business financial statements PDF 8
282 Understanding Financial Statements: What Do They Say About Your Business (Part 2 of 3) – A guide to understanding business financial statements PDF 7
283 Understanding Financial Statements: What Do They Say About Your Business (Part 3 of 3) – Appendices: Sample financial statement PDF 9
284 Managing Cash Flow  – Learning to deal with and forecast your most critical asset PDF 10
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
301 Guide to Free Tax Services – Descriptions of IRS publications PDF 13
302 Employer Identification Number by Phone – Form and instructions for obtaining employer identification number PDF 11
303 Employee or Independent Contractor – Employee versus independent contractor criteria PDF 9
304 Federal Tax Due Dates – 1996 CCH tax calendar PDF 15
Buying or Selling a Business
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
350 Making the Decision to Buy or Sell a Business – Reasons and factors for business sellers and buyers PDF 2
351 Preparing the Business for Sale – Steps in selling a business, includes business presentation package description PDF 3
353 Evaluating the Business – Summary of items to be reviewed in evaluating a business PDF 6
354 Financing the Purchase – Background on business loans, includes a summary on loan proposal PDF 3
355 Pricing the Business – Discussion of four common methods of valuing a business PDF 6
356 The Role of Advisors – Short description of common business advisors and their capabilities PDF 2
357 Structuring the Buy/Sell Transaction – Comparison of asset versus stock transactions PDF 3
358 Negotiations – Summary of standard business negotiation practices PDF 1
359 Making and Evaluating Offers – Summary of the offer process, includes list of purchase/sales agreement contents PDF 3
360 Closing the Transaction – Types of settlements and description of settlement documents PDF 3
361 Is Franchising for You? – Information on things to investigate when considering purchase of a franchise PDF 4
Research and Development      
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
400 The SBIR and STTR Programs PDF 3
401 The Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative PDF 2
402 How to get started in the (SBIR/STTR) Program Competition PDF 2
403 The WSSI Phase 0 Program PDF 2
Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
451 Avoiding Patent, Trademark and Copyright Problems – Information on steps to take in avoiding infringement PDF 7
452 Trademarks and Business Goodwill – Trademarks explained PDF 8
453 U.S. Patent Trademark Depository – Wyoming State Library brochure PDF 2
455 Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations (Part 1 of 3) – The innovation process and technical evaluation program PDF 9
456 Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations (Part 2 of 3) – The innovation process and technical evaluation program PDF 5
457 Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations (Part 3 of 3) – The innovation process and technical evaluation program PDF 9
Selling to the Government      
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
500 How to Sell Goods and Services to Government Agencies PDF 7
501 A Vendor's Guide: How to Do Business with the State of Wyoming PDF 6
502 Central Contractor Registration PDF 8
503 SBA PRO-Net: A Tool for Small Business PDF 2
504 Bid Match Services PDF 1
505 Government Procurement Opportunities PDF 4
506 Selling to the Federal Government PDF 5
507 Past Contract Performance PDF 3
508 Wyoming Federal Contracting Officers PDF 4
509 Colorado Federal Contracting Officers PDF 4
Marketing and Advertising      
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
550 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 1 of 6) – Includes market research and market niche information PDF 4
551 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 2 of 6) – Includes identifying your competition PDF 3
552 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 3 of 6) – Your customer PDF 2
553 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 4 of 6) – Your market share PDF 2
554 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 5 of 6) – Marketing case studies PDF 3
555 Market Designs: Researching Markets for Your Service Business (Part 6 of 6) – Sources of marketing research information PDF 2
557 Locating or Relocating Your Manufacturing Business – Factors to consider when locating a business PDF 6
558 Choosing a Retail Location (Part 1 of 2) – Retail site location criteria, such as retail compatibility and zoning PDF 7
559 Choosing a Retail Location (Part 2 of 2) – Selecting a shopping center location for a retail site PDF 8
560 Is There a Market for My Product of Service? – Researching your market PDF 2
561 Signs…And the Small Business – How to select a sign for your business PDF 3
562 Publicity Do’s and Don’ts – List of do’s and don’ts for publicity PDF 1
563 Publicity Techniques for Growing Businesses – Publicity-what it is and how to get it PDF 13
564 Competing With the Mass Merchandisers – Article on how small business can compete with mass merchandisers PDF 12
565 Market-Driven Pricing – A controversial review of pricing PDF 11
International Trade
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
600 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Exporting for Wyoming Firms  PDF 7
601 Advantages of Exporting PDF 3
602 Resources for International Trade Assistance PDF 6
603 Preparing An Export Price Quotation – Outline for developing an export price quotation PDF 6
604 How to Develop an International Business Plan  PDF 18
605 Export Sales Contract  PDF 7
606 Pro Forma Invoice and Price Quotations Used with Foreign Companies  PDF 4
607 Export Potential Checklist – Checklist to help determine a company’s export readiness PDF 3
608 Making the Export Decision – Advantages and disadvantages of exporting  PDF 2
609 Importing Resources PDF 3
Management Issues
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
700 Checklist for Developing a Training Program – Step by step list of questions for organizing an employee training program PDF 8
701 Credit and Collection – Guidelines for credit and collections in your business PDF 8
702 Insurance Checklist for Small Business – A checklist to help you evaluate your insurance program PDF 8
703 Challenges in Managing a Family Owned Business – Management problems and the family owned business PDF 13
704 Understanding Your Customers – How small companies can prosper from understanding their customers PDF 11
705 Training for Small Business – A listing of publications that deal with various aspects of training PDF 15
706 Preventing Retail Theft – A description of ways to control shoplifting and employee theft PDF 9
707 Preventing Embezzlement – Suggestions to prevent dishonest practices PDF 9
708 Reducing Shoplifting Losses – Information on reducing loss from shoplifting PDF 7
709 Outwitting Bad Check Passers – Suggestions on keeping bad checks out of the cash register PDF 9
710 Business Continuation Planning – Overview of business owner life insurance PDF 17
711 Preventing Burglary and Robbery Loss – How to reduce loss from burglary and robbery PDF 9
712 Setting Up a Pay System – Concepts for determining competitive pay levels PDF 9
713 Developing New Accounts – Systematic approach to finding, getting and keeping customers PDF 9
714 Management Checklist for a Family Business – Questions to assist C.E.O.’s in reviewing management of a family owned business PDF 7
715 Managing Employee Benefits – Employee benefits as part of a compensation package and managing benefits PDF 11
716 Stock Control for Small Stores  PDF 5
717 Small Business Insurance & Risk Management Guide (Part 1 of 2) – Information on insurance and risk management PDF 8
718 Small Business Insurance & Risk Management Guide (Part 2 of 2) – Information on loss exposure and risk management PDF 6
719 Small Business Insurance & Risk Management Guide -- Insurance needs checklist PDF 8
720 Small Business Insurance & Risk Management Guide  –  Glossary of insurance terms PDF 5
721 Budgeting for the Small Business (Part 1 of 2) – A discussion of budgeting for the small business PDF 9
722 Budgeting for the Small Business (Part 2 of 3) – Continuing discussion of budgeting with examples PDF 11
723 Budgeting for the Small Business (Part 3 of 3) – Appendix: information resources PDF 7
724 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 1 of 7) – Introduction, definitions, and issues for the family owned business PDF 3
725 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 2 of 7) – Business strategic planning in the family owned business PDF 2
726 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 3 of 7) – Family strategic planning for the family owned business PDF 4
727 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 4 of 7) – Choosing a successor in a family owned business PDF 9
728 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 5 of 7) – Estate planning in the family owned business PDF 6
729 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 6 of 7) – Issues to look at for the family owned business PDF 3
730 Transferring Management in the Family Owned Business (Part 7 of 7) – Strategic planning for the family owned business PDF 4
731 Strategic Planning for Growth – Guidelines for steps to strategic planning PDF 3
732 When Disasters and Small Businesses Collide PDF 4
Computers in Business
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
750 Keeping Your PS’s Legal – Software piracy defined PDF 4
751 Buying a Computer for a Small Business – Choosing the computer system that is right for your business PDF 4
753 Using the Internet to Access the SBA Home Page – Fact sheet on the SBA’s new World Wide Web home page PDF 2
Home Based Business
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
800 Home Business Pros and Cons – Advantages and disadvantages of a home-based business PDF 4
801 Identifying Skills and Talents – Identifying skills and talents for starting a home-based business PDF 3
802 Are You a Good Home Based Business Candidate – Identifying your strengths and weaknesses PDF 3
803 Focus on the Facts: How to Start a Home-Based Business – Selected information on starting a home-based business PDF 5
805 Taxes and the Home-Based Business – Selected information regarding some of the tax issues facing home-based businesses PDF 3
807 Turning Your House Into a Bed & Breakfast – Selected information on turning your house into a bed & breakfast inn PDF 7
808 Opening Your Doors: A Guide to Opening and Operating a Bed and Breakfast – Selected information on opening a bed & breakfast PDF 9
809 What to Look for in Property – What to look for in property when opening a bed & breakfast PDF 3
810 Insurance Information for Bed & Breakfasts – Suggestions when purchasing insurance for your bed & breakfast PDF 2
811 Ways to Make Money with Crafts Besides Making Crafts – Ideas for starting various types of businesses PDF 3
812 Pricing Crafts – Selected information on setting prices for your crafts PDF 7
813 Selling at Craft Fairs – How to sell your items at craft fairs PDF 6
816 Sewing for Profit – Selected information on starting a home-based sewing business PDF 12
817 Starting an Independent Consulting Service – Selected information on starting an independent consulting practice PDF 6
Environmental Issues
Document Title and Description Download As Pages
850 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Medical Service Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you? PDF 3
851 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Oil Field Service Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you?     PDF 4
852 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Vehicle Service Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you? PDF 4
853 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Contracting Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you? PDF 4
854 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Dry Cleaning Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you? PDF 4
855 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Lithographic and Screen-printing Industry - Do you need a permit? What regulations apply to you? PDF 4
856 Checklist for Environmental Requirements of the Small Mining Operations Industry - Do you need a permit?  What regulations apply to you? PDF 4
857 What Do I Do With This Gunk in the Barrel? - Instructions on the disposal of hazardous waste PDF 3
Community Development      
Document Title and Description PDF Pages
901 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Community Development Grant Application PDF 17
902 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Downtown Development Grant Application PDF 17
903 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Planning Only Grant Application PDF 16
904 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Technical Assistance Grant Application PDF 16
905 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Infrastructure Grant Application PDF 17
        906 Community Development Block Grant Program:   Job Training Grant Application PDF 16


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