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What Can Efficiency, Demand Response Programs Realistically Deliver?

Energy efficiency programs in the U.S. could realistically reduce the rate of growth for electricity consumption by 22% over the next two decades, with potential energy savings in 2030 of 236 billion kilowatt hours, according to a report released by EPRI titled, "Assessment of Achievable Savings Potential From Energy Efficiency and Demand Response in the U.S."
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Executive Summary Open New Window
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The Cheapest New Power Plant is the One You Don’t Have to Build

Too good to be true? The U.S. has a renewable-energy resource that is perfectly clean, remarkably cheap, surprisingly abundant and immediately available. Time Magazine discusses how energy efficiency is the way to start addressing our energy and climate crises in “America's Untapped Energy Resource: Boosting Efficiency.”
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Eight Technologies Likely to Dominate Future U.S. Generation

"Integrated Generation Technology Options", EPRI Report 1018329, provides the latest cost, performance and technology trends for electricity generation stations (>50 MW), addressing eight technologies likely to dominate the U.S. generation mix in future decades. 
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“Keeping Options Open” Key to Responding to Changing Market Conditions

"The Power to Reduce CO2 Emissions: the Full Portfolio - 2008 Economic Sensitivity Studies", EPRI Report 1018431, updates the 2007 analysis and evaluates the economic benefit of the full technology portfolio in the event of higher costs or technology development delays associated with nuclear power and CO2 capture and storage.
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EPRI Releases Report on Energy Savings and Carbon Emissions Reductions Enabled by a Smart Grid

EPRI has completed an analysis showing that deployment of a "smart grid" could potentially reduce annual U.S. energy consumption by 56 to 203 billion kWh in 2030, corresponding to a 1.2 to 4.3% reduction in projected retail electricity sales in 2030.
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The Green Grid: EPRI Report 1016905 Open New Window
Greentech Media Article Open New Window
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EPRI Journal, Winter 2008
Carbon Economics

2009 Research Offerings

EPRI's portfolio of offerings in 2009 can help you manage business risk, meet growing demand, produce electricity more profitably, reduce the impacts of CO2 and more.
2009 Research Portfolio
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