Kentucky State University

Strategic Plan

Kentucky State University Alumni members


The mission of the Kentucky State University National Alumni Association is to promote a spirit of cooperation and to preserve the University’s values, traditions and heritage that will support the University’s mission and vision.

The vision of the Kentucky State University National Alumni Association is to be a globally recognized alumni association that has a historically black college/university perspective, that is financially independent that uses its resources to promote the University’s land grant status and programs, and that engage strategies which provide:

  • Financial support
  • Human resource assistance
  • Performance recognition systems and
  • Increase visibility and influence


  • To GROW the Association
  • To MARKET the University an its students
  • To PROVIDE ACCESS to the Association’s human resources
  • To DESIGN and INITIATE INCENTIVIES for scholarship, academic excellence and meritorious service


  • WE WILL develop and implement comprehensive plans to increase and retain alumni membership.
  • WE WILL cultivate existing chapters and establish new local and regional chapters.
  • WE WILL establish programs to ensure a viable working relationship with the student body.
  • WE WILL sponsor a major annual fund-raising event.
  • WE WILL develop systems and processes to solicit funds from the alumni.
  • WE WILL solicit corporate, business and foundations funds.
  • WE WILL develop and implement and comprehensive strategy to assist in marketing the University and its students through the aggressive promotion of the rich and proud Kentucky State University image, heritage and history.
  • WE WILL devise effective communication systems.
  • WE WILL mobilize the various components of our diverse alumni to fully support the University and its students.
  • WE WILL utilize alumni resources to strengthen existing programs and to develop new initiatives.

WE WILL establish awards and scholarships for each academic year.

This strategic plan will focus the National Alumni Association’s efforts on sound business practices, ensuring that its members are working on value-added initiatives that will make a real difference in accomplishing the Association’s objectives. Drawing on the strength of alumni’s resources and their dedication as members of the KSU family, this strategic plan was designed to be an ever-changing process. It reaffirms the Association’s commitment to academic excellence, diversity, growth and development, necessary components of a highly successful institution, student body and alumni association.


In the spirit that all people have equal and inherent value, we recognize and commit to the academic excellence and accomplishments of the Kentucky State University family of students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. We value and subscribe to integrity, mutual respect, openness, commitment and interdependency as our ongoing social responsibility. This is essential to the advancement of our rich heritage and proud history.


  • WE BELIEVE that alumni should be encouraged to become active members of the National Alumni Association.

  • WE BELIEVE that every alumnus/alumna has an obligation to GIVE BACK to this University in a meaningful and substantive way.

  • WE BELIEVE that communication should be ongoing, open, honest and diverse between the Association and the campus community.

  • WE BELIEVE that members of the association should make a committed effort to be open, honest and on-going in their communication with one another according to the diversity of the Association’s issues and concerns.

  • WE BELIEVE that student Leadership should be inclusive to the nurturing of the Association, fostering a close relationship between students and graduate members.

  • WE BELIEVE that financial giving is key to keeping our Alma Mater vital and competitive.

  • WE BELIEVE in fiscal accountability.

  • WE BELIEVE that the relationship between the National Alumni Association and the University’s staff, faculty and students should be strengthened through scheduled events and programs.

  • WE BELIEVE that the membership of the National Alumni Association should be politically active as private citizens, cultivating close political relationships in all ways relevant to the daily pursuit of excellence in higher education.

  • WE BELIEVE that we must use our wide range of professional expertise, contacts, avocational interests and business acumen as a resource for our Alma Mater.