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Spaceward Bound Expedition: Arctic 2008
(July 25 to August 2)
Group shot of  Spaceward Bound Arctic 2008 team
Follow the Mission Blog

Contents below:

Mission Blog
Training Slides

Journals of the Expedition
Student Q&A
Helpful Links


June 30, 2008

McGill Station Springs (ppt)
Pollard MARS presentation (ppt)

July 15: Review Science Plans:

CSA Seismic Experiment Arctic 2008 (pdf)

Biographies of Participants:

Dale Andersen, SETI Institute
Geneviève Gingras Breton - High School Teacher, Petit Séminaire de Québec  (Québec, QC)
Sean Clark - High School Teacher, Ottawa, Ontario
Liza Coe - Educator; NASA Ames Education Division
Linda Conrad - Education Technology Team, NASA Ames
Geoff Hammond - Team Lead, NASA Explorer School Teacher
Margarita Marinova - Ph. D. Candidate, Planetary Science
Chris McKay - Planetary Scientist, NASA Ames; Expedition Lead
Patricia Montgomery -- Education Technology Programs
Tammy Morgan - Biology Teacher, Lake Placid High School

Robert Palassou - Valley View School
Wayne Pollard - Director of McGill Northern Field Stations in Schefferville Quebec and on Axel Heiberg Island
Rachel Prucey - NASA Ames PAO
Josef Sliwinski - Summer Student, Space Science Division, Canadian Space Agency
Elijah Tigullaraq
Naomi Tigullaraq
Marie-Claude Williamson - Program Scientist, Planetary Exploration, Canadian Space Agency

Journals of the Expedition

Science Activity Summary for Spaceward Bound 2008 Arctic, July 26 - 29
Science Activity Update July 29 - 31
Final Science Log Entry
Gallery of photos

Student Questions and Answers

Students Questions Round I
Student Questions Round II


Pleasanton teacher joins NASA team seeking answers about life on Mars carried by:
• Mercury News

• Day Life News
• Contra Costa Times

Helpful links


 FirstGov  NASA

Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated: July 2008
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe