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Youth Summit and Farm to Cafeteria Conference, March 19-21, 2009 in Portland, Oregon
The 4th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference, Going the Distance and Shortening It, is now open for registration. Real Food Challenge will be holding a youth summit in concurrence with the conferece. Join us for four days of community-building, solutions-based workshops, and action. Topics will run from campaign organizing to sustainable farming, and will provide youth participants the opportunity to develop their own sense of leadership and further define their work on these issues.

"Real Food Is..." YouTube Video Contest
Open to K-12 and college students, this video contest runs until February 8, 2009. To enter, create a short video that completes the phrase "Real Food is..." and you can win $1,000 for your school food project and an all expense paid trip for the winner and chaperone to the 4th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Portland, Oregon. Contest Rules and Recommendations

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This site presents information about farm-to-college programs in the U.S. and Canada collected by the Community Food Security Coalition.


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Farm to college programs in the United States

Map of farm to college program locations in the United States

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© 2005-2008 Community Food Security Coalition | Last updated December 2008