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Conditions for Publication

Author Misconduct Policy

Manuscript Review

Production and Publication of ESA Journals

Publication Charges


Publication Charge Waivers


Conditions for Publication

Editorial review charges for accepted articles are assessed per published printed page. ESA members are billed at a lower rate than for nonmembers. Refer to Publication Charges for complete information.

Members without funds for publication may request a partial or full waiver of page charges depending on their situation. Requests for waivers must accompany the manuscript when first submitted for publication. Refer to Publication Charge Waivers for complete information.

Author Misconduct Policy

The Entomological Society of America (ESA) expects authors, reviewers, editors and others involved in its publications enterprise to safeguard the integrity of its publications process and to alert appropriate officials to possible misconduct. The ESA believes it has a responsibility to ensure that allegations of misconduct are properly investigated. The Society takes all such allegations seriously and will use the expectations, definitions, and procedures outlined below to examine their validity and to take appropriate action.

1.  Expectations of Authors Involved in the ESA Publications Enterprise

The ESA expects authors submitting to and publishing in its journals, proceedings, and books (“publications”) to adhere to ethical standards of scholarship and to ensure that the work they submit for publication is free of scientific and publication misconduct. The list of authors of the work should accurately reflect who carried out the research, who wrote the article, and others who made substantive contributions to the work. All authors of articles submitted for publication assume individual and shared responsibility, within the limits of their professional competence, for the accuracy and integrity of their work.

2.  Author Misconduct and Initial Considerations for its Investigation

2.1  Kinds and Definitions of Author Misconduct

  • Plagiarism – taking material from another's work and submitting it as one’s own without properly acknowledging or attributing its source.
  • Self-plagiarism – republishing one's own work that has previously been published elsewhere in the primary literature without citing the earlier publication.
  • Duplicate publication – publishing the same, or substantially the same, article in more than one journal or other publishing venue. ESA policy does permit the submission of an article based on a previously published abstract, proceeding, presentation, or poster.
  • Conflict of interest – failing to make known to the editor financial, institutional or other conflicts of interest that might be perceived by a reasonable person to influence one’s work.
  • Dishonest communications – knowingly providing ESA with dishonest information during any part of the publications process.
  • Fraud – fabricating a research report or suppressing or altering data.
  • Improper assignment of credit or authorship – omitting those who should be included as authors or including as authors those who should not be.

2.2  Initial Considerations

The ESA recognizes that allegations of author misconduct may prove to be unfounded, and that such allegations may be damaging to an individual. Therefore, the following general considerations will be observed:

  • To be actionable, allegations of author misconduct must be received in writing by the Editor-in-Chief of the affected publication. Such writing should include a description of the alleged behavior and information in support of the allegation.

  • Necessary investigations of allegations will begin promptly and proceed as expeditiously as possible.

  • Strict standards of confidentiality, fairness, and impartiality will be maintained throughout the processes of allegation investigation and resolution. All aspects of an investigation must be treated confidentially throughout the investigation process.

  • Processing of a manuscript involved in case of alleged author misconduct will be suspended until the relevant case has been resolved. The Editor-in-Chief of the affected ESA publication will communicate as necessary with the Corresponding Author of a suspended manuscript to keep the author informed of the status of his or her submission.

  • If a case of author misconduct has been determined to have occurred, any actions taken by ESA will apply only to the author(s) who was involved in the misconduct.

3.  Process for Addressing Allegations of Author Misconduct

3.1  Level of the Editor-in-Chief

All allegations of author misconduct will be referred initially to the Editor-in-Chief of the affected ESA publication. When a written allegation of misconduct is received, the Editor-in-Chief will make a preliminary inquiry to determine whether misconduct may have occurred. The Editor-in-Chief will treat the allegation confidentially, but may communicate with the person(s) making the allegation, the author(s) of the Work with respect to which misconduct is alleged, the Chair of the Publications Council, the Managing Editor of ESA publications, and others as deemed necessary to make a preliminary assessment of the allegation. If, after these preliminary communications and consultations, the Editor-in-Chief determines that author misconduct has not occurred, the Editor-in-Chief will dismiss the allegation and no further investigation will be made.

3.2  Level of the Author Misconduct Panel

If the Editor-in-Chief determines that a further investigation is warranted, the Editor-in-Chief will initiate a more formal investigation. This investigation will be conducted by the Author Misconduct Panel (Panel) consisting of the Editor-in-Chief, Chair of the Publications Council, and the Chair of the affected publication’s Editorial board. The Chair of this Panel is the Chair of the Publications Council. The Panel Chair may appoint an alternate Panel member on a case-by-case basis if one of the regular members is unable to participate or has a conflict of interest.

The Panel will make appropriate notifications of this investigation, which will typically include the person(s) making the allegation, the author(s) alleged to have committed the misconduct, and the Managing Editor of ESA publications, but, subject to limitations stated in Section 3.3, may also include other parties, such as ESA legal counsel, and the author(s) institution or employer. Such notice to the author(s) will be made only to the author(s) alleged to have engaged in misconduct and the Corresponding Author who shall be responsible for all communications with other authors. After the investigation is complete, the Panel will send a statement outlining the alleged misconduct to the author(s) alleged to have committed the misconduct, and the author(s) will be given a maximum of 30 days to respond in writing to the allegation. The author(s) response, if any, will be included as part of the Panel’s report.

The Panel will then make a determination whether, in its judgment, misconduct has occurred. If the Panel determines that no misconduct has occurred, 1) the report and documentation, together with a record of the Panel’s determination, will be sealed and delivered to the Managing Editor for archiving at ESA headquarters; 2) the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the results of the determination to the Author(s) involved and to the person(s) making the allegation; and, 3) any suspended manuscripts will be released to continue through the publications process.

If the Panel determines that author misconduct has occurred, the Panel will determine a course of action that it deems appropriate given the circumstances of the case. (See Section 3.4 below for some possible actions.)

The ESA Executive Director and legal counsel will review the Panel’s decision and notify the Panel of any legal concerns that could affect the Panel’s decision. Once so notified, the Chair of the Panel will carry out the course of action, including the appropriate notification of all parties involved, including the Governing Board. The Panel’s report, documentation, and determination will be delivered to the Managing Editor for archiving at ESA headquarters.

3.3  Parties Responsible for Investigating Allegations of Author Misconduct

In cases alleging Author Misconduct under Paragraph 2.1 above, members of the Author Misconduct Panel will conduct and document an investigation with the purpose of attempting to ascertain the facts of the case. For this investigation, the Panel members may contact any individual or organization deemed to be relevant to the facts of the case, including the author’s home institution or employer, and may request that those individuals or organizations carry out further inquiries into the facts of the case. Prior to making any contacts with any person other than the authors and the complaining party, the Panel Chair shall consult with legal counsel through coordination with the ESA Executive Director.

3.4  Some Courses of Action for Resolving Cases of Author Misconduct

The following actions may be taken upon a finding of author misconduct:

  • Withdraw the manuscript pending correction to eliminate the misconduct.
  • Reject the manuscript and deny its publication by ESA.
  • Notify the author(s) home institution(s) of the misconduct.
  • If a paper has already been published, officially retract the paper and flag any electronic version as a retracted paper.
  • Prohibit the author(s) from publishing in ESA publications for a specified period of time.
  • Such other action as may be determined necessary and appropriate under the circumstances of the misconduct, provided that any report or disclosure of a finding of misconduct or imposition of discipline shall not be undertaken without prior consultation with legal counsel.

Actions appropriate in particular circumstances may vary depending on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to: the severity of the misconduct, identified prior misconduct, and the stage of the publication process at which the misconduct is discovered.

4.  Additional Considerations

4.1  Reviews and Appeals

All parties directly involved in a case of author misconduct shall have the right to review and respond to the report and documentation provided by the Author Misconduct Panel.

Author(s) shall have the right to appeal a determination of author misconduct to the Publications Council. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Council within 30 days of notification of the decision by the Panel. The appeal must include a rebuttal of the decision, explaining in detail the author(s) rationale for why the decision was in error. The Council will review the evidence and the rebuttal, and issue its decision as promptly as reasonably possible after receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Council is final. Members of the Panel who are on the publications Council will not have a vote on the appeal.

4.2  Cases Involving Duplicate Publication

In cases of author misconduct that involve the appearance of duplicate, or near duplicate, materials in an ESA publication and in a publication of another publisher, the Editor-in-Chief involved will notify the other publisher of the apparent duplicate publication. If the ESA publication is not the original publication of the material, a retraction of the duplicate materials will be published as soon as practicable in the ESA publication series that published the duplicate material. A retraction will be issued in the print and, if applicable, digital version of the publication. A duplicate publication will not be removed from the digital version of an ESA publication series; but, under the direction of the Managing Editor, it will be appropriately flagged or annotated to indicate its duplicate status and that it has been retracted.

4.3  Case Files

The ESA will maintain files of communications, documents, and other materials relative to each case of alleged author misconduct that is formally submitted by an Editor-in-Chief to the Author Misconduct Panel for resolution. In cases in which no determination of misconduct is found, the relevant files will be sealed and will not be released unless all individuals involved in the case request that the materials be made public or unless disclosure is required by law.

Manuscript Review

Review Process

Before any manuscript is accepted for publication, it is evaluated by two reviewers qualified to assess the significance and quality of the research. Reviewers comment on the content of the manuscript, the methodology of the experiment, and the results. Reviewers recommend revisions to the manuscript and suggest whether a manuscript should be accepted or rejected for publication. Reviewers are selected by the editors. The editor may seek additional reviews of a manuscript or have a resubmitted one reviewed again. However, the decision to accept or reject a manuscript for publication is the responsibility of the editor, not the reviewer.

In addition, the editor may withdraw or recommend transfer of a manuscript to another ESA publication. A manuscript is withdrawn by the editor when the data are sound, but there is a major flaw(s) in the manuscript that can be fixed. If a manuscript has been withdrawn rather than rejected, it can be resubmitted at a later date, but the author must take into account the comments of the editor and reviewers before doing so. When it is resubmitted, it will be treated as a new submission and need additional peer review. In the cover letter, please explain that a previous version of the paper was withdrawn and note the previous manuscript number. A withdrawal cannot be appealed by the authors.

A manuscript is rejected by the subject editor when there is a fundamental flaw in the data that cannot be fixed, or for other reasons. A manuscript describing that data set cannot be submitted again to an ESA journal. A rejection can be appealed to the editorial board.

The review process also is handled online using the Rapid Review system.

NOTE: If you have a problem downloading a review from the Rapid Review website, refer to the attached information on how to change your web browser security settings to allow file downloads from the Rapid Review website.

Appeal of a Rejection

An author can appeal an editor's decision to reject a manuscript for publication through the publication's Editorial Board. To appeal a rejection, the author must send the following items to the ESA Director of Publications:

  • A letter that explains why the author has chosen to appeal the rejection. The letter should address specific reasons provided by the editor for the rejection.

  • The editor’s letter of rejection.

  • The reviewers’ comments.

  • The rejected, unrevised manuscript. If a rejected manuscript has been revised before an appeal, the rejection cannot be appealed.

  • Any additional correspondence

These items may be sent as e-mail attachments to or send 6 copies of each item by mail to the Entomological Society of America, Director of Publications, 10001 Derekwood Lane, Suite 100, Lanham, MD 20706-4876, USA.

The Director of Publications forwards these materials to the Editorial Board members for review. The Editorial Board Chair gathers comments on the materials from other board members and rules on the appeal. In writing, the Chair then informs the author, editor, other board members, and the Director of Publications of the Editorial Board's decision. The decision of the Editorial Board is final. The appeals process takes approximately 1 month from when the Editorial Board receives the appeal materials.

Production and Publication of ESA Journals

After authors have submitted the final version of their manuscript, it is forwarded to the ESA Headquarters Office where it is sent out for copyediting and typesetting. As a result, the copyeditor may make minor stylistic changes to the manuscript after an author has revised it. Important new changes are noted as author queries on the page proof and referred to the corresponding author for approval.

Page Proofs

The corresponding author is notified by e-mail that a page proof of his article in PDF format is available to download from the Cadmus web site within approximately 4-5 weeks after the accepted manuscript is received by ESA. The page proof is an unpaginated copy of how the article will look when printed. Authors should check carefully for typographical errors. Authors are asked to examine the placement and quality of figures. All changes should be made on the page proof. Changes noted elsewhere will not be incorporated into the article.

Also included as part of the page proof are the ESA Publishing Agreement and Reprint Order Form (see below). The corresponding author must complete the Publishing Agreement and the Reprint Form (if ordering reprints) and return both forms with the corrected page proofs to the journal Issue Manager at the address noted in the e-mail and on the forms.

Limits to Alterations. Because of the extensive review that each manuscript receives, the extensive opportunities authors are given to review their manuscripts before typesetting, and the high cost of resetting type, alterations should not be made once a manuscript is in page proof. Significant new data may be added as a Note Added in Proof at the end of the article, before the Acknowledgments. Extensive alterations may require re-review and may delay publication. Corrections other than printer's and editors’ errors will be billed to the author. See Publication Charges below.

Returning the Page Proofs. Articles are not scheduled for publication until page proofs, Publishing Agreement, and Reprint Order Form have been received by the Cadmus Production Office. Authors are asked to return page proofs within 48 hours after receiving them. Authors who reside outside the United States should consider having someone in the United States handle the page proofs (e.g., a member of the Editorial Board of the publication) to avoid delays in mailing. Return page proofs to Issue Manager, [Journal Name], Cadmus Professional Communications, 940 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, MD 21090; Fax: 410-691-6929; Phone: 410-691-6998; e-mail:


After page proofs have been received by the Cadmus Production Office, the article will be proofread, paginated, and sent to the printer for final publication. Articles are published within journal sections approximately in order of their acceptance. Publications are mailed to subscribers between 5 and 8 weeks after the page proof has been received by ESA. During periods of heavy submissions, however, publication time may be extended. If authors follow their turnaround time schedule, manuscripts usually are published within 4-5 months of final acceptance.


Paper reprints are mailed to the appropriate author within 2 weeks after publication of the article. Open access reprints are available online when the online issue is posted.

Publication Charges

Page Charges

ESA assesses page charges for: research and Forum articles published in Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Environmental Entomology, Journal of Economic Entomology, and Journal of Medical Entomology, and for research articles in American Entomologist and Arthropod Management Tests. Charges are established by the ESA Governing Board. Journal page charge rates are below. Page charges for American Entomologist and Arthropod Management Tests are noted on each publication's respective home page under "Information for Contributors."

Page charges are not assessed for letters to the editor, invited articles, and book reviews that appear in the journals; letters to the editor, commentaries, forum articles, feature articles, book reviews, and obituaries that appear in American Entomologist; or for manuscripts published in the Handbook Series or Thomas Say Publications in Entomology. Charges are not assessed for manuscripts that are rejected for publication.

Page charges help offset some of the costs associated with processing, reviewing, editing, and publishing articles. As of January 1, 2005, charges for the four ESA journals are below. These rates will apply for all new journal manuscripts submitted from January 1, 2005 forward.

Member charge per printed page:


Nonmember charge per printed page:



Page charges for Rapid Communications are higher: $96 per printed page for ESA members; $150 per printed page for nonmembers.

Pages with color have an additional charge depending on the number of pages (see below).

Money-Saving Tip for Non-ESA Members. The average journal article is more than 6 pages long. Given the current price of ESA membership dues, you can save more than that amount on page charges by joining ESA when you submit your manuscript. Do the calculation—then go online to the Membership Section to access the ESA membership application form.

Alteration Charges. ESA charges for all author alterations that are made to a manuscript after it has been typeset. Current rates for author alterations are as follows:

Author alteration (per line):


Figure change (fig. must be same size as original):



Color Charges. If your manuscript contains color figures, they can be printed in color providing that authors agree to pay all of the extra expense associated with color printing. If you wish to have any of your figures reproduced in color, please complete and sign the ESA Color Printing Agreement for the appropriate journal and return it to the address shown on the form.

Annals Color Printing Agreement Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents
EE Color Printing Agreement Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents
JEE Color Printing Agreement Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents
JME Color Printing Agreement Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents


For domestic authors, invoices for editorial review charges and reprints are mailed at the time the issue is published in which the article appears. For international authors who are not members of ESA, payment by credit card, certified bank check, or wire funds transfer is required in advance. A quotation (pro forma invoice) is e-mailed to the corresponding author when advance payment is required.


ESA charges for article reprints. An order form, complete with ordering instructions, is included with the typeset page proof. The reprint order form must be returned with the page proofs. Late reprint orders are accepted, however, charges for late reprints are considerably higher.

ESA offers two types of reprints: paper or open access. A paper reprint is printed on paper in multiples of 100 copies. An open access reprint (formerly known as PDF reprints) is a PDF file of the article that is posted with the online journal issue and is freely available.

You may order paper reprints, open access reprints, or both. Return your page proof and reprint order at the same time to ensure your reprint request is made on time. Late orders for paper and open access reprints will be billed at much higher prices. Paper reprints are shipped within two weeks of the mailing date of the journal; open access reprints are available as soon as the electronic version of the issue is posted.

Below are links to ESA's reprint order forms. The forms include reprint prices--which may change at any time without notice.

Annals Reprint Form  Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents 
EE Reprint Form  Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents
JEE Reprint Form  Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents 
JME Reprint Form  Click for instructions on viewing PDF documents 


Prices quoted in the reprint order forms include shipping within the United States via UPS Ground. All orders outside the United States must have Expedited Shipping, which provides delivery in 5-9 days and includes package tracing and proof of delivery.

For Expedited Shipping to addresses in Canada and Mexico add 20% of the printed reprint cost; for all other countries, add 40%.

Publication Charge Waivers

ESA provides a partial waiver of page charges to authors who have no grants or funds for publication. Only ESA members whose dues are current at the time of publication are eligible for waivers of page charges.

ESA Waivers must be requested in writing when a manuscript is first submitted for publication. Waivers requested after a manuscript is accepted for publication will be denied. Authors who request a waiver must fill out the ESA Page Charge Waiver Form that is available from this web site or the ESA Publications Office. You may print and fill out a PDF of the Page Charge Waiver Form or e-mail us at to have the form sent to you.

Waivers are limited and are available on a "first-come, first-served" basis once a manuscript is finally accepted. If waivers are unavailable, the publication of a manuscript may be delayed until funds become available. Waivers are not available to nonmembers.

ESA member. ESA will fund 90% of the page charges for five printed pages in a calendar year for authors who are ESA members and absolutely have no other source of funds for publication. Authors are responsible for the remaining 10% plus the full costs of all remaining pages, author alterations, and reprint costs.

Unemployed or Retired ESA Members. Unemployed, retired, or emeritus ESA members with no institutional support may publish up to five printed pages per calendar year free of page charges. Authors in these categories are responsible for all remaining page, alteration, and reprint charges.

C. P. Alexander Fund

For Annals of the Entomological Society of America authors only who are ESA members, there is an annual grant amount toward editorial charges provided by the C. P. Alexander Fund from the Entomological Foundation. A grant from this fund could be used in addition to a waiver (either 90% or 100%) to cover editorial charges for pages six and above. Within a year, no more than one grant is provided per author. A request for a C. P. Alexander Grant must be noted on the waiver form when a manuscript is first submitted for publication in Annals.

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