  The new Animal Health Strategy (2007-2013): “prevention is better than cure”slide

The new Animal Health Strategy provides the framework for animal health and welfare measures over the next six years. It is based on the results of an extensive evaluation and a large stakeholders consultation. Given the devastating impact that serious disease outbreaks can have on farmers, society and the economy, the new strategy is based on the principle that “prevention is better than cure”. The aim is to put greater focus on precautionary measures, disease surveillance, controls and research, in order to reduce the incidence of animal disease and minimise the impact of outbreaks when they do occur.

The new strategy encompasses much more than just the control of animal diseases, however. It also focuses on issues which are inextricably linked to animal health, such as public health, food safety, animal welfare, sustainable development and research.

Priorities will be re-evaluated to ensure that funding and resources are employed in areas of most benefit to European citizens. Moreover, all those involved with animal health will have clear responsibilities in ensuring that the goals of the new strategy are met. The result will be an EU animal health policy that is robust, efficient and effective.

Video News Release: Animal Health: prevention is better than cure

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Last Update : 28-04-2008