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Reinvesting In America
National Hunger Clearinghouse
Artists Against Hunger and Poverty
WHY International
Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards
Harry Chapin Media Awards
Kids Can Make a Difference

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Reinvesting In America: We use our extensive contacts to create networking opportunities for grassroots organizations. For thousands of organizations WHY has helped raise more than $6 million, initiated countless media connections and facilitated meetings with policymakers. A quarterly newsletter, Connections, delivers practical information on organization building, fundraising, and hunger and poverty issues. National Hunger Clearinghouse: Facilitating the exchange of information, resources, and ideas among organizations fighting hunger and poverty. Artists Against Hunger and Poverty: WHY forges relationships between artists and grassroots organizations to raise funds and public awareness. We make it easy for artists to support social causes by matching them with our network organizations. In 1999 Artists Against Hunger and Poverty raised more than $1.5 million in concert-related donations for 225 organizations. WHY International: WHY works at the U.N. (where we hold official NGO status) to increase food security at the national and international levels. We publish information and influence policy on sustainable agriculture, microcredit and community-building.
Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards: Cash awards to honor community organizations judged to be outstanding in their approaches to fighting hunger and poverty.

Harry Chapin Media Awards: Cash awards that honor print and electronic media judged for outstanding coverage that impacts hunger, poverty and self-reliance.

Kids Can Make a Difference: KIDS is an educational program to help students understand the root causes of hunger and poverty, and to empower them to make a difference. KIDS offers teacher consultation, a curriculum guide, an award-winning web site and a quarterly newsletter.