Frequently Asked Questions - Research - European Commission

By their very nature the European Union's research programmes are quite complex. Ensuring equal access and fair treatment for all interested parties across the European Union is a daunting task, which requires certain rules and procedures. These inevitably lead to questions, and we hope that the questions and answers listed below will help to answer some of yours!

If you can't find an answer to your question, please submit it to the research Enquiries service.  

While Commission departments do their utmost to avoid any errors or omissions, the answers given below are for general guidance, and are not to be considered as legally binding. For this reason the reader is encouraged to consult the source documents when these are referred to.

In addition, please read the Europa Legal Notice, which tells you what use that can be made of this material.

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Please note that the search looks for the exact word you enter: e.g. a search for "JTI" will not find "JTIs". However, "JTI%" will find all words beginning with "JTI". See the Search tips below for help on this and other more complex searches. :