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Energy and natural resources

  • 15/01/2009 - Trans-European networks
    Gas impasse

    Russia and Ukraine fail to resume gas deliveries to EU
  • 13/11/2008 - Energy
    Energy in an emergency

    New energy plan seeks to reduce EU’s reliance on foreign gas and oil.
  • 10/10/2008 - Energy
    Opening up energy markets

    Agreement on bill to loosen big companies’ grip on energy markets.
  • 04/09/2008 - Energy
    High marks for EU energy policy

    International Energy Agency issues first report on EU energy policy, praising EU moves on climate change and energy market liberalisation
  • 24/06/2008 - Energy
    Getting a grip on oil prices

    Oil-producing and importing countries must work together to bring down oil prices.
  • 20/06/2008 - Energy resources
    EU leaders respond to high oil and food prices

    EU countries support continuation of the Lisbon Treaty ratification process and confront rising energy costs.
  • 28/01/2008 - Energy
    Sustainable energy week 2008

    Second EU sustainable energy week puts the focus on energy supply
  • 23/01/2008 - Energy
    Boosting jobs and growth through climate action

    Ambitious action plan unveiled to make a low-carbon Europe a reality.
  • 27/11/2007 - Energy
    Energy the key to EU's future

    With Kyoto finally showing progress, EU must make clear energy choices without relinquishing its economic and environmental objectives.
  • 16/10/2007 - Nuclear energy
    EU-Russia – energy talks

    Strategic energy partners meet to review state of play and prospects for cooperation.
  • 19/09/2007 - Gas - Electricity
    Power to switch

    New package of proposals to remove obstacles to competition in gas and electricity sectors.
  • 05/07/2007 - Gas - Electricity
    Cheaper energy bills coming your way

    Market liberalisation means Europeans can shop around to get the best deals for electricity and gas.
  • 11/05/2007 - Energy
    Energy to power up Europe

    EU follows new energy security network with special agency to secure power supplies.
  • 23/04/2007 - Energy resources
    Save energy – save the world

    International partnerships key to securing energy efficiency in the power, buildings and transport sectors, reports Berlin conference.
  • 29/01/2007 - Energy
    First sustainable energy week kicks off today

    The EU's first sustainable energy week will bring together a wide array of organisations and institutions from all over the EU. Conferences, discussions and presentations will provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore the issue of sustainable energy and its potential for us all.
  • 11/01/2007 - Gas - Electricity
    Oil supply resumes - EU seeks to avoid future disruptions

    Talks between Russia and Belarus about transit tax have led to the resumption of oil supplies. The commission and the German presidency welcomed the end of the blockade, but urged Russia and Belarus to resolve their remaining differences concerning the Druzhba pipeline.
  • 10/01/2007 - Energy
    New EU energy plan - more security, less pollution

    The European commission wants to improve energy‑supply security in Europe while combating climate change and making the industry more competitive. To this end, it has tabled proposals to pave the way for a common European energy policy.
  • 09/01/2007 - Gas - Electricity
    Interruption to EU oil supplies sparks concern

    The EU has demanded an "urgent and detailed" explanation from Moscow and Minsk after oil supplies to Europe were jeopardised – a bitter trade dispute saw Russia cut off a vital transit pipeline crossing Belarusian territory on the night of 7 January.
  • 10/11/2006 - Energy
    Key time for EU-Russia energy partnership

    European Commissioner Andris Piebalgs highlighted the importance of enhanced EU-Russia practical cooperation, at the first bilateral conference on "Energy Strategies" on 30 and 31 October in Moscow.
  • 27/10/2006 - Energy resources
    New Action Plan to reduce the energy bill and prevent climate change

    The Commission has presented an ambitious Energy Efficiency Action Plan which aims to reduce the direct cost of our energy consumption by over €100 billion annually by 2020, avoiding around 780 million tonnes of CO2 per year.