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This Health Consultation is being performed by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services to evaluate the public health significance of the National Lead Industries (NLI) site. The purpose of this Health Consultation is to evaluate the current site data and information available and the impact of site related contaminants to residents living near the NLI site. The exposure pathways evaluated are the chronic ingestion and/or inhalation of contaminated soil and dust for residents living near the NLI site. Analysis of site data and information, direct site observation, and community concerns have indicated that a completed human exposure pathway to lead in the soil exists at this site.

The NL Industries, Inc. (NLI) site is located at Pennsgrove-Pedricktown Road, in Pedricktown, Oldmans Township, Salem County, New Jersey (see inset). The NLI site, approximately 44 acres in size, consists of a closed landfill and a secondary lead smelting facility which, until 1984, recovered lead from spent automotive batteries. The site is bisected by a railroad. Approximately 16 acres are located north of the railroad tracks, including a closed 6 acre landfill. The 28 acres to the south, contain the abandoned secondary lead smelting facility and landfill access road. NLI maintains the closed landfill area and operates the landfill's leachate collection system.

There are two streams near the site, in addition to a marshy area. The West and East Streams, parts of which are intermittent tributaries of the Delaware River, border and receive surface runoff from the site. The Cape May aquifer underlies the site and serves as a source of drinking water and crop irrigation. Most of the area residents are served by municipal water wells, although some nearby homes rely on private potable wells. Private wells sampled in 1987, 1991, and 1994 indicated that the water quality of these private wells were within drinking water standards.

The site is part of an area that is zoned for development as an industrial park. The industrial park area is bordered by a combination of open, residential and agricultural lands. Approximately 2500 people live within 3 miles of the site. The nearest residence is less than 1000 feet from the site.

In 1972, NLI began the operation of recycling lead from spent automotive batteries. The plastic and rubber waste materials resulting from the operation were disposed in the on-site landfill, along with slag from the smelting process.

In 1975, the Salem County Department of Health sampled 15 private drinking water wells in the site vicinity. One well was found to have an elevated lead level. Several months later, the private homes were connected to the public water supply.

During 1973 to 1980, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) cited NLI with several violations of the state air and water regulations. NLI ceased smelting operations in May 1982. In October 1982, NLI in coordination with the NJDEP agreed to conduct a remedial program affecting the site soils, surface water runoff, landfill, and groundwater. The site was placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) in December 1982.

In February 1983, the plant was sold to National Smelting of New Jersey (NSNJ) and smelting operations began once more. NSNJ ceased operation in January 1984.

Remedial History

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a multi-phased Removal Action at the site to address conditions that presented a risk to public health and the environment. The Removal Action involved five phases between March 1989 and the fall of 1993. Actions taken consisted of fencing the former smelting plant, encapsulation of the on-site slag piles to prevent contaminant migration, installing a new entrance gate, reinforce the slag bin retaining walls, and the removal of the most highly contaminated stream sediments from the West Stream which served as a source of contamination to the adjacent properties and environment.

USEPA addressed the remediation of the site in phases, or operable units. A site-wide remedial investigation/feasibility study, ( RI/FS, designated as Operable Unit One), was conducted to determine the nature and extent of contamination on the site and areas adjacent to the site in various environmental media such as air, soils, groundwater, surface water and stream sediments. Concentrations of metals were found in soils, including lead detected up to 12,700 ppm in soils located within NL property and 1,770 ppm in soils located outside the property. Lead was the most prevalent contaminant and is the primary contaminant of concern. Elevated levels of lead were detected in both the surface water and sediments in the east and west streams, and the drainage channel north of Route 130. Lead detected in the surface waters of the east and west streams ranged from 10 ppb to 2,200 ppb in 1989 and 4 ppb to 206 ppb in 1990. Lead concentrations in stream sediments ranged from 5 ppm to 23,700 ppm. The Early Remedial Action for Operable Unit Two began in November 1992 and was implemented concurrently with the site-wide RI/FS for Operable Unit One. Operable Unit Two addressed the slag and lead oxide piles, contaminated surfaces and debris, and contaminated standing water, which were found to be significant and continual sources of contaminant migration from the site.

West Stream Sediment and Soil Sampling

During 1993 and 1994, the USEPA removed contaminated sediments from sections of a stream adjacent to the site. At the time of the sediment removal, samples were collected from within the stream's floodplain to ensure the complete removal of site related contamination in, and adjacent to, the cleaned portions of the stream. USEPA collected and analyzed approximately 1500 soil and sediment samples in, and adjacent to, the West Stream at NLI site. Soil samples were collected from 0 to 1 feet and sediment sampling from 0 to 6 inches in depth. Elevated levels of lead were detected in both the soils and sediments in, and adjacent to, the West Stream. Lead detected in the sediments ranged from 22 ppm to 3838 ppm. Concentration of lead in soil samples from adjacent to West Stream were higher than soil samples collected from locations away from the stream. Most of the surface soil samples collected at a depth of 0-3 inches from the adjoining properties to the West Stream indicated presence of lead below 500 ppm. However, some of the soil samples indicated presence of lead as high as 7180 ppm. These high concentrations of lead were detected in soil samples collected at a depth of 0 - 1 feet (composite samples). USEPA has installed silt fencing adjacent to the stream to mitigate the spread of contaminated sediment and soil.

Current Conditions of Site

On April 22, 1997, Narendra P. Singh and Steve M. Miller of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS) visited the NLI site, accompanied by Joseph Gowers, remedial project manager and Mark Maddaloni, environmental scientist of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and James A. Warner of the Salem County Department of Health. The following observations were made and information obtained during the site visit:

Community Health Concerns Evaluation:

Residents had expressed concerns regarding potential health effects associated with exposure to site related contaminants, especially for children living adjacent to site. The significance of this exposure is addressed in the Public Health Implications section.

In 1995, the Salem County Health Department tested 2 children for blood lead levels who live near site. The range of blood lead levels detected were 3 to 4 ug/dl. The lead levels detected in their blood were not indicative of significant lead exposure, and not at levels expected to cause adverse health effects. The Center for Disease Control recommends that children with blood lead levels of 20 ug/dl or greater be tested for signs of lead poisoning. None of the blood lead levels from the children were found to exceed the 20 ug/dl blood lead level. The ATSDR/NJDHSS have not identified any additional community health concerns associated with the site.

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