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Pursuing Energy Options
New Alternative Fuels
Features in This Issue - Volume 41, Number 1, 2008


The South's Energy Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is playing a leading role in building the research foundation required to develop a comprehensive set of energy options. ORNL is the Department of Energy's only research laboratory located in the South. With the nation's largest energy research portfolio. More...


News & Notes


ORNL to Help Auto Industry
ORNL will lend a hand to the U.S. auto industry by supplying R&D work initiated through the USAutoPARTs collaborative. More...


Superconducting Technology License Signed
SuperPower Inc. signed a license agreement to use an ORNL-developed technology that can lower the cost of producing superconducting wires for more efficient transmission of electricity. More...


Piece of Nobel Peace Prize
Former Vice President Al Gore is not the only Tennessean to share in the Nobel Peace Prize. More...


Two World Records
In November 2007 ORNL researchers were excited to learn that the recently upgraded High Flux Isotope Reactor may have set a world record for cold neutron beam brightness. More...


Featured Research


Southern Solution
Demonstrating an energy future in our backyard. More...


The Missing Piece
ORNL seeks to close the nuclear fuel cycle. More...


A Different Path
A talented team undertakes a novel strategy to developing alternative fuels. More...


Facing the Right Direction
A southern partnership promotes solar energy. More...


Back in Business with Water Power
The Department of Energy's hydropower research program has been revived by Congress for 2008. More...


Giving Back
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles may have an unexpected value. More...


Southern Teamwork
A new research partnership supports the south's automotive industry. More...


Reducing the Appetite
ORNL and TVA are joining hands to reduce the South's energy demand. More...


The Ultimate Solution
Coordinating America's participation in an international fusion energy experiment. More...




Dana Christensen
With degrees in chemical engineering and environmental management, the associate laboratory director for energy and engineering sciences started his career in the water treatment business. More...




Extending the Half-Life
Computer modeling may make it possible to lengthen the life of nuclear reactors. More...


A Renewed Interest
A new ORNL process seeks to improve solar cells. More...


Research on mice may help explain why humans become addicted. More...


Modeling Metal Fuels
Simulations show the promise of nanostructured solid-state boron as a fuel. More...




...And the Winners Are...
Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...




Reference Desk:
View videos, guides, and papers associated with the various research projects mentioned in this issue of the ORNL Review. More...


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