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Department of Animal Sciences

If you are considering a career in animal science, in veterinary or human medicine, in animal science and biotechnological related industries, including, food and feed companies, the pharmaceutical industry, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, or in production animal agriculture, then enroll in the Department of Animal Science, School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences at the premiere land-grant University, North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro.

Dr. Willie Willis discusses chicken research with three students
Gathered around Dr. Willie Willis (second from right) are students in his advanced commercial poultry class. From left to right: Kandi Fuller, Sean Miller and Alicial McCormick. Willis is demonstrating how to identify the gender of day-old chicks, using "feather sexing." Identifying the gender of chicks as early as possible, so the faster growing males can be separated from their slower growing sisters - is an important facet of broiler chicken production.

Consistent with the institution’s land-grant mission of teaching, research, and outreach, the departmental team of highly qualified, and enthusiastic faculty and staff will provide first-class instruction that leads to B.S. degree in animal science, laboratory animal science, or to a concentration in animal industry. Our motto is ‘Students First’. Your success is our ‘Aggie Pride’.

During your academically stimulating experiences in the department, you will receive personalized attention and gain hands-on experience on faculty research projects. Through summer internships, you will gain experience and be able to explore future career options without making long-term commitments. If your interests include studying abroad, we have and are further developing student-exchange programs with international institutions of high acclaim. A current animal science major, Hagan Hill, is studying during Fall Semester 2000 at the University of Wollongong in Sydney, Australia.

You will receive state of the art training. The department keeps abreast of novel developments in the discipline, and through its External Advisory Board is informed on trends in animal agriculture and related industries, and adjusts curricula accordingly. The contribution of recreational animals to human health and the economy is increasing and so, the department is planning to develop and offer equine science and companion animal management courses. This will increase the broad array of courses already offered in the animal science curricula and will help you make course combinations to suit your particular interest. In addition, recreational animal courses open opportunities for graduates from the department in the multi-billion dollar recreational animal industry.

The department also offers a quality graduate program leading to a M.S. degree in Animal Health Science. Depending on your interests, your M.S. project may be in, but not limited to areas of faculty research activities. Currently, our research projects involve experimentation in: animal health and food safety, animal and environmental interactions, biotechnology, nutrition and nutritional physiology, production, reproductive physiology, and sustainable animal agriculture. Beef and dairy cattle, poultry, sheep, and swine on the University Farm and laboratory animals in a USDA approved laboratory animal science facility serve as research models.

Make your first step towards success on a career-path with diverse and unlimited opportunities in animal science and related pharmaceutical and production agriculture industries by joining our enthusiastic faculty, staff, and student body, and feel the "Aggie Pride" in a department where quality and compassion for your success are synonymous.

For more information please contact:

Dr. Ralph C. Noble
Chairperson, Department of Animal Sciences
North Carolina A&T State University
1601 East Market Street
101 B.C. Webb Hall
Greensboro, NC 27411

Phone:(336) 334-7547
Fax: (336) 334-7288


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  • B.S. in Agricultural Science

  • concentration in Animal Science or Animal Husbandry

    The programs leading to the B.S. degree in Agricultural Science with a concentration in Animal Science or Animal Husbandry require a minimum of 124 semester hours. In Agricultural Science (Animal Science), the areas of concentration are: Animal Science, Dairy Science, or Poultry Science. This option allows for more chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology. It is designed for individuals planning for further studies in graduate school or veterinary medicine. In Agricultural Science (Animal Husbandry) the areas of concentration are: Animal Husbandry, Poultry or Dairy Technology. This option emphasizes courses needed for those whose interest is employment in industries closely allied to Animal Agriculture, such as meat and poultry industry, feed manufacturing, agricultural chemical, drug companies, and federal and state governments.

  • B.S. Degree in Laboratory Animal Science
  • Laboratory Animal Science is an excellent pathway to professional and graduate school. The Program fully prepares you for admission to schools of veterinary medicine where you would work toward the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, or for admission to ther medical schools for the Doctor of Medicine (MD), the Doctor of Denistry (DDS), or others. You would also be fully qualified to enter graduate school to work toward an advanced degree, especially if you are interested in a research career in one of the biomedical or related areas.
    If you decide after graduation from college that you will not go on to veterinary school (at least not immediately), your employment chances are very good to work as a lab animal facilities manager, biomedical research technician or laboratory animal science technician, among other professions.

    [Laboratory Animal Science page]

  • M.S. Animal Health Science
  • A minimum of 30 credit hours is required for completion of a M.S. Degree in Animal Health Science. The courses included in the curriculum are divided into a hierarchical structure - required courses, core electives and general electives. The required courses are fundamental to the program, providing the student with an understanding of the relationships between environmental effects and biological disciplines on Animal Health (701), enhance communicative skills (702 and 703) and biostatistics. The required courses constitute 8 credit hours of the students curriculum. Core electives represent a pool of courses which are oriented toward the mission of the program. Students will br required to complete three courses (a minimum of 8 credit hours) from the pool of seven courses offered by the department specifically designed to meet needs in understanding Animal Health. An additional eight credit hours will selected by the student.


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