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External relations and foreign affairs

  • 11/11/2008 - Humanitarian aid
    EU humanitarian aid - large-scale, low-profile

    Every year, the EU's rapid aid response helps over 18m people deal with the fall-out of conflicts, natural disasters and freak weather.
  • 05/11/2008 - Enlargement
    EU enlargement: work in progress

    Croatia looks set to become 28th member of the European Union.
  • 22/10/2008 - External assistance
    Aid for Georgia on the way

    Donor conference sends strong signal of support for Georgia.
  • 02/09/2008 - Humanitarian aid
    EU aid flows into Georgia

    The EU has provided €6 million in aid for people caught up in the conflict affecting South Ossetia and other parts of Georgia. More help is on the way.
  • 24/07/2008 - Enlargement
    Bulgaria and Romania - more work needed on corruption

    The two countries are told to put more effort into judicial reform and tackling corruption, in latest progress reports
  • 11/06/2008 - Foreign policies
    Global challenges top the agenda at EU-US summit

    EU leaders met with US president Bush to discuss the state of trade, the climate, energy and foreign policy issues in Brdo, Slovenia, on 10 June.
  • 26/05/2008 - Development and Developing countries
    Fast, fair growth for developing countries

    Developing countries could achieve high levels of sustainable, inclusive growth if their leaders make them part of the global economy.
  • 16/05/2008 - Human rights in the world
    Speaking out for a better world

    European award supports journalists who defend human rights, democracy and development.
  • 09/04/2008 - Humanitarian aid
    Keeping promises to the developing world

    EU urges members to step up the volume and effectiveness of their development aid.
  • 03/04/2008 - Neighbourhood policy
    Neighbourhood policy a success

    Easier trade, joint research and innovation, freedom of movement, more secure energy supply – practical benefits of the European neighbourhood policy
  • 05/03/2008 - Enlargement
    Helping hand for Western Balkans

    Support to help Western Balkans prepare for EU membership.
  • 04/03/2008 - Humanitarian aid
    EU food aid to feed millions

    Some 18.7 million of the world’s most vulnerable people are expected to benefit from EU’s latest food aid decision.
  • 08/01/2008 - Humanitarian aid
    More aid for disaster victims in 2008

    EU will continue to lead in humanitarian aid, earmarking €370m for victims of disasters worldwide.
  • 10/12/2007 - Foreign policies
    Africa – from beneficiary to partner

    European Union and African Union meet as equals at second summit in Lisbon to embark on relationship as partners.
  • 05/12/2007 - Neighbourhood policy
    Strong neighbours for a stronger EU

    EU acts to ensure more tangible benefits for its neighbours
  • 28/11/2007 - Foreign policies
    EU-China: going places

    After ten years of Sino-European cooperation, Chinese and European leaders want to deepen the relationship.
  • 07/11/2007 - Enlargement
    Enlargement talks continue

    Progress 'steady but uneven' for Western Balkans and largely 'on track' for Turkey, according to EU annual enlargement report.
  • 02/11/2007 - Development and Developing countries
    Development and climate change: two sides, one coin

    This year's European development conference will focus on climate change.
  • 29/10/2007 - Foreign policies
    EU-Russia summit highlights broader cooperation

    Leaders of EU and Russia take stock of cooperation in four key fields.
  • 03/09/2007 - Neighbourhood policy
    EU cosies up to its neighbours

    The conference on Europe's neighbourhood policy, taking place today in Brussels, marks the EU's intention to intensify its relations with its neighbours, in the interests of the region as a whole.
  • 27/06/2007 - Development and Developing countries
    Africa matters

    From a strategy for Africa towards a political partnership with Africa.
  • 20/06/2007 - Human rights in the world
    All out against the death penalty

    Tireless champion for the abolition of the death penalty throughout the world, the EU proposes a European day against the death penalty.
  • 13/06/2007 - Humanitarian aid
    Great ambitions for humanitarian aid

    EU seeks to boost response to humanitarian crises through clear principles and values.
  • 08/06/2007 - Foreign policies
    G8 targets disease in Africa and climate change

    World's most powerful leaders pledge €44bn to fight disease in Africa and agree on the need to halve carbon emissions by 2050.
  • 21/05/2007 - International trade and trade agreements
    EU-Russia – let's keep talking

    EU seeks common ground with Russia –on human rights, trade and energy at biannual summit in Samara (17-18 May).
  • 02/05/2007 - International trade and trade agreements
    EU clinches trade deal with US

    Transatlantic relations just got better – EU-US leaders sign new deal to spur trade and investment at annual summit in Washington (30 April).
  • 11/04/2007 - Neighbourhood policy
    Black Sea – bright future

    New EU initiative - Black Sea synergy – set to boost cooperation in the region.
  • 10/04/2007 - Development and Developing countries
    On track to meet UN development goals

    EU should meet UN millennium development goals thanks to greater levels of development aid, aid for trade and aid effectiveness.
  • 26/01/2007 - External assistance
    EU cash to help Lebanon rebuild after war

    EU comes to Lebanon’s aid with €500m package for political reform and economic reconstruction.
  • 09/01/2007 - Foreign policies
    Bush and Barroso pledge to complete Doha trade talks

    US president George W Bush and commission president José Manuel Barroso have reaffirmed their commitment to breaking the deadlock in the Doha round of WTO trade talks. Meeting at the White House on 8 January, the two leaders pledged to press forward with the negotiations.
  • 01/01/2007 - Enlargement
    Bulgaria and Romania latest to join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania have become full members of the EU, whose membership now stands at 27. After seven years of preparation, their accession marks the completion of the sixth EU enlargement.
  • 15/12/2006 - Enlargement
    Enlargement tops agenda at European summit

    Firm statement by EU leaders at the European summit (14-15 December) - membership criteria must be respected if enlargement is to succeed for all.
  • 13/12/2006 - Enlargement
    Candidate commissioners win vote of approval

    MEPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of both Romania and Bulgaria's candidate commissioners for multilingualism and consumer protection.
  • 05/12/2006 - Neighbourhood policy
    Europe fosters neighbourly relations

    New proposals are on the table to strengthen and develop Europe's neighbourhood policy, geared towards countries to the east and south of the enlarged EU. The policy encourages commitment to common values and deeper economic, political, cultural and security integration.
  • 28/11/2006 - Enlargement
    Candidate commissioners in the spotlight

    The Romanian and Bulgarian candidate commissioners took the stand yesterday as MEPs tested their suitability for the posts of commissioner for multilingualism and consumer protection (27 November).
  • 24/11/2006 - International trade and trade agreements
    EU-Russia summit goes ahead

    EU leaders proceed with this biannual EU-Russia summit – the potentially disruptive issue of Russia's year-old ban on Polish agricultural products will now be handled by the EU. Other items on the agenda are energy, economic integration and external affairs.
  • 22/11/2006 - International trade and trade agreements
    Trade agreement to spur on Iraqi recovery

    EU and Iraq set to intensify trade relations in a bid to boost economic stability and aid long-term recovery. Negotiations have been opened for a trade and cooperation agreement that should help integrate the country in the world economy.
  • 20/11/2006 - Development and Developing countries
    Good governance crucial for Africa

    Poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa will require major improvements in governance – this was the clear message from the European Development Days conferences on 13-17 November.
  • 13/11/2006 - Development and Developing countries
    Brussels hosts development event for Africa

    Minds will be on Africa this week, as the streets of Brussels are transformed from 13-17 November by a string of lively, colourful events. The city is hosting the very first in a series of “European Development Days” to enhance and raise awareness of cooperation with developing countries.
  • 10/11/2006 - International trade and trade agreements
    EU forges closer cooperation with Ukraine over free trade

    Official negotiations are to begin early next year between the EU and Ukraine on a new Enhanced Agreement whose principal aim is to form a free trade zone. Meeting together in Helsinki on 27 October, the EU offered Ukraine stronger economic and trade relations on the condition that corruption be reined in and political stability reinforced. Membership of the World Trade Organization is also a prerequisite.
  • 10/11/2006 - Enlargement
    New Bulgarian and Romanian Commissioners proposed

    The Commission has nominated its Commissioners‑designate for Bulgaria and Romania. The Romanian nominee, Leonard Orban, currently the minister responsible for readying his country for EU membership, will be in charge of multilingualism, while the Bulgarian minister for European affairs, Meglena Kuneva, will take over consumer protection.
  • 27/10/2006 - Development and Developing countries
    EU partnership for the Horn of Africa

    The Commission adopted an EU partnership for peace, security and development in the horn of Africa on 20 October. This partnership provides a political framework for concrete regional initiatives to be discussed with the countries concerned, and with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organisation which coordinates development in the Horn of Africa.
  • 13/10/2006 - Defence
    European Defence Ministers review EU-led peace operations and military capabilities

    EU ministers of defence met to discuss EU-led operations around the world as well as the outlook of military capabilities within the framework of an informal meeting in Levi, Finland, on 2-3 October.
  • 13/10/2006 - Development and Developing countries
    Commission holds joint meeting with African Union in Addis Ababa

    The European Commission met the Commission of the African Union (AU) for a joint working session on 2 October in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was their third meeting together in the last three years, but the first outside the European continent. The growing institutional, financial and political partnership saw several commissioners travel to Ethiopia, including President José Manuel Barroso and two Vice-Presidents Franco Frattini (Justice, freedom and security) and Siim Kallas (Administration).
  • 13/10/2006 - Foreign policies
    Shared values, mutual interests: EU-India summit to take forward strategic partnership

    The Seventh EU-India Summit took place on 13 October in Helsinki. Participants of the summit meeting seized the opportunity to assess the implementation of the Joint Action Plan endorsed at the 2005 summit. They welcomed achievements made since last years' summit and pinpointed areas where further progress in bilateral cooperation is needed.
  • 29/09/2006 - Enlargement
    Bulgaria and Romania ready to join the EU on 1 January 2007

    Bulgaria and Romania are ready to become members of the European Union on 1 January 2007, as foreseen in the Treaty of Accession signed in 2005. The Monitoring Report released by the Commission on 26 September shows that both countries have made further progress during the past months, stepping up efforts to complete their preparations for membership.
  • 14/09/2006 - Foreign policies
    Middle East: strong EU support for peace and reconstruction

    The European Parliament backs the UN decision to send 15,000 troops to Lebanon. In a resolution adopted on 7 September, MEPs expressed their support for the extended mandate of UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) while stressing there was no military solution to the conflict in the Middle East. UNIFIL will monitor the cessation of hostilities and ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations.
  • 14/09/2006 - Foreign policies
    EU strengthens ties with Asia during summit meetings

    Asia was high on the EU's agenda this month. During three high-profile summit meetings in Helsinki, EU leaders met with delegations from China, South Korea and from the ASEM countries.
  • 01/08/2006 - International trade and trade agreements
    Suspension of Doha talks: which way forward?

    One week after world leaders committed themselves to finding a way out of the deadlock for the Doha round trade talks at the G8 summit, the talks have been suspended following a meeting of the Group of Six (G6) on 24 July. The participants failed to reach agreement on the stalled negotiations.