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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2007161 Placing College Graduation Rates in Context: How 4-Year College Graduation Rates Vary With Selectivity and the Size of Low-Income Enrollment
This report uses data primarily from the 2004 Graduation Rate Survey (GRS), a component of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), to provide a systemwide overview of how graduation rates of comparable 4-year institutions vary with institution selectivity and the size of the low-income population enrolled. The report clearly shows that graduation rates dropped systematically as the proportion of low-income students increased, even within the same Carnegie classification and selectivity levels. Variations by gender and race/ethnicity also were evident. Women graduated at higher rates than men, and in general, as the proportion of low-income students increased, so did the gap between female and male graduation rates. The gap in graduation rates between White and Black students and between White and Hispanic students, on the other hand, typically narrowed as the as the proportion of low-income students increased.
NCES 2007157 Institutional Policies and Practices Regarding Postsecondary Faculty: Fall 2003
This report describes recent hiring and retirement patterns as well as tenure-related changes and actions taken by public and private not-for-profit postsecondary institutions that offered an associate’s or higher degree in fall 2003 and participated in federal Title IV student aid programs. The 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) sampled such institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia both to obtain lists of faculty and instructional staff to be surveyed and also to collect data on the institution’s policies and environment for such staff. About 920 institutions completed the survey, resulting in a weighted response rate of 84 percent. In fall 2003, some 8 percent of all full-time faculty were hired the previous year from outside the institution, while 7 percent had left their institutions during the previous year. Of those who left, 36 percent retired. At least 90 percent of all doctoral or master’s institutions had tenure systems, but even among public associate’s institutions, the majority (64 percent) had a tenure system. About 64 percent of institutions with a tenure system limit time on tenure track to 6 or 7 years. One-half (52 percent) of institutions with a tenure system offered early or phased retirement to tenured faculty members between 1998 and 2003.
NCES 2007159 Where Are They Now? A Description of 1992-93 Bachelor's Degree Recipients 10 Years Later
Using data from the 2003 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03), this report provides an overview of the status of 1992–93 college graduates 10 years after graduation. The report presents highlights of these college graduates’ lives in 2003 in five areas—education after the bachelor’s degree, labor force participation, opinions about their undergraduate education, family status, and civic participation. In addition to presenting a basic profile of graduates’ lives in 2003, the report is also intended as a broad introduction to the kinds of data available in B&B:93/03. A table compendium with five sections corresponding to the five areas above provides additional detail about how graduate characteristics are associated with the highlighted outcomes as well as related experiences in each area. The estimates in this report represent about 1.2 million bachelor’s degree completers from 1992–93.
NCES 2006158 2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Undergraduate Financial Aid Estimates for 12 States: 2003–04
This E.D. TAB presents selected findings about the price of attendance and the types and amounts of financial aid received by in-state undergraduates enrolled in public 2-year, public 4-year, and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions during the 2003–04 academic year in 12 selected states. It is based on the undergraduate data in the 2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04), a nationally representative survey of postsecondary students. In addition to providing national estimates, the NPSAS:04 survey was designed to provide representative samples of undergraduates in public 2-year, public 4-year, and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions in 12 states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Tennessee. Prior NPSAS studies have not been representative at the state level. For the in-state undergraduates in each of these 12 selected states, the tables in this E.D. TAB show the average tuition and fees and total price of attendance, the percentages of undergraduates receiving various types of financial aid and the average amounts received, the average net price of attendance after financial aid, average financial need and remaining need after financial aid, cumulative student loan amounts, earnings from work while enrolled, and other aspects of financing an undergraduate education. Tables of comparable national totals limited to in-state undergraduates in public 2-year, public 4-year, and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions in the 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico are also provided to allow for comparisons of undergraduate financing patterns in each of the 12 selected states and the entire nation.
NCES 2007178 Economic Impact of the Nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities
The purpose of this study was to document the economic role of the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) by estimating the short-term economic impact that each of these institutions has on their local communities. In this study, short-term economic impact was defined as the change in overall economic activity in the institutions’s community that is associated with four important categories of college/university-related expenditures, salaries, other institutional expenditures, and the expenditures of undergraduate and separately, graduate and professional students attending the institution. The IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning) Professional Version 2.0 modeling system was used to build regional models for each of the 101 HBCUs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia and to calculate multipliers for estimating the HBCUs’ impact in terms of output, value-added, labor income, and employment. These multipliers were applied to each institution’s salary, staff, enrollment and expenditure data from the 2001 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey. In 2001, the combined initial spending associated with the nation’s 101 HBCUs totaled $6.6 billion. Public HBCUs accounted for 62 percent of the total amount. The total economic impact of the nation’s HBCUs was $10.2 billion with 35 percent due to the multiplier effect. This amount would rank the collective economic impact of the nation’s HBCUs 232nd on the Forbes Fortune 500 list of the United States’ largest companies (Fortune Magazine, 2006). Additionally, the total employment impact of the 101 HBCUs included 180,142 total (initial and induced) full- and part-time jobs in 2001. The report includes templates that can easily be used to update impact estimates for subsequent years as new IPEDS data become available.
NCSER 20063004 An Overview of Findings From Wave 2 of the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2)
In 2001, the U.S. Department of Education funded the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) to provide a national picture of the characteristics, experiences, and outcomes of secondary school students with disabilities as they transition to young adulthood. NLTS2 includes a sample of more than 11,000 youth who were ages 13 through 16 and receiving special education services in seventh grade or above in the 2000-2001 school year. The sample is nationally representative of youth with disabilities as a group and youth in each of the 12 federal special education disability categories in use for students in the NLTS2 age range. Data are being collected in five waves over a 9-year period and include information from parents, youth, school staff, and school records. NLTS2 is the only source of information on such key aspects of youths' experiences as their academic achievement, school completion, and postsecondary education and employment.
NCES 2005150 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study 1993/2003 Data Analysis System (DAS) On-line
The DAS contains data from the 2003 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:1993/2003). This study is the third follow-up of a national sample of students who completed bachelor degrees in academic year 1992-1993 and were first surveyed as part of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. This DAS allows users to conduct analyses on data gathered in this study while on-line via the web.
NCES 2006030 Digest of Education Statistics, 2005
The 41st in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest’s primary purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. Some examples of highlights from the report include the following items. Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools rose 22 percent between 1985 and 2005. The fastest public school growth occurred in the elementary grades (prekindergarten through grade 8), where enrollment rose 24 percent over this period, from 27.0 million to 33.5 million. Public secondary school enrollment declined 8 percent from 1985 to 1990, but then rose 31 percent from 1990 to 2005, for a net increase of 20 percent. The number of public school teachers has risen faster than the number of students over the past 10 years, resulting in declines in the pupil/teacher ratio. Between 1994 and 2004, the number of full-time college students increased by 30 percent compared to an 8 percent increase in part-time students. During the same time period, the number of men enrolled rose 16 percent, while the number of women enrolled increased by 25 percent.
NCES 2006152 Changes in Staff Distribution and Salaries of Full-Time Employees in Postsecondary Institutions: Fall 1993–2003
Using data from the 1993 and 2003 Fall Staff Surveys, a component of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), this report examines the change in the number and composition of staff in U.S. postsecondary institutions and the change in average salaries of full-time staff between fall 1993 and fall 2003. Over the decade, the growth of the workforce at colleges and universities outpaced the growth of both the civilian labor force and student enrollment, continuing a pattern that began in the 1970s. The growth rate was higher for part-time employees than full-time employees, for female staff than male staff, for racial/ethnic minorities than Whites, and for professionals than nonprofessionals. Although the average salaries of full-time employees increased for each of the seven primary occupation categories, only the rate of increase for executive, administrative, and managerial positions (17 percent) exceeded the median for the overall U.S. family income (14 percent).
NCES 2006309 The Postsecondary Educational Experiences of High School Career and Technical Education Concentrators: Selected Results From the NELS:88/2000 Postsecondary Education Transcript Study
This E.D. Tab presents information on the postsecondary educational experiences of students from the high school class of 1992 who concentrated in career and technical education (CTE) while in high school, including their postsecondary enrollment, coursetaking, and degree attainment patterns. The report also describes the extent to which high school CTE concentrators pursued the same field at the postsecondary level. Using data from students’ secondary transcripts collected as part of the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS:88/2000), analyses reveal that about 20 percent of 1992 high school seniors were CTE concentrators. Of those students, roughly one-quarter were dual concentrators, completing both a CTE and college preparatory curriculum. NELS:88/2000 also collected students’ postsecondary transcripts. These data show that by 2000, the majority of CTE concentrators from the class of 1992 had enrolled in postsecondary education. More than half of these students began their postsecondary education at a community college, while 37 percent began at a 4-year institution, and 7 percent at another type of institution. Of the high school CTE concentrators who enrolled in a postsecondary institution, 50 percent earned a postsecondary certificate or degree by 2000, while 26 percent earned a bachelor’s or higher degree. About half of CTE concentrators who enrolled in a postsecondary institution earned postsecondary credits in a related field and 27 percent earned 12 or more credits in a related field, roughly the equivalent of one semester of full-time postsecondary study. About 30 percent of high school CTE concentrators who earned a postsecondary degree or certificate did so in a related field.
NCES 2006180 2004 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04) Full-scale Methodology Report
This report describes the methods and procedures used for the 2004 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04). NPSAS:04 is a comprehensive study of financial aid among postsecondary education students in the United States and Puerto Rico that provides information on trends in financial aid and on the ways in which families pay for postsecondary education. NPSAS:04 included important changes from previous NPSAS surveys (conducted in 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, and 2000) in its sample design and collection of data. For example, the current study is the first in the NPSAS series to utilize a web-based instrument for both self- and telephone-administration. Another important change is that NPSAS:04 was designed to provide state-level representative estimates for undergraduate students within three institutional strata—public 2-year institutions; public 4-year institutions; and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions for 12 states that were categorized into three groups based on population size—four large, four medium, and four small: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, and Texas. These states were chosen for this “demonstration” study from a set of volunteering states that expressed interest and a willingness to support and encourage participation by their institutions. However, sufficient comparability in survey design and instrumentation was maintained to ensure that important comparisons with past NPSAS studies could be made.
NCES 2006156 Dealing With Debt: 1992-93 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients 10 Years Later
Using data from the 1993–2003 Baccalaureate and Beyond Study (B&B:93/03), this report describes the borrowing patterns of 1992–93 bachelor’s degree recipients and examines the repayment of undergraduate Stafford loans for those who had no additional degree enrollment. About half (51 percent) of all graduates had borrowed to help pay for their undergraduate education, borrowing an average of $10,200 from all sources. Among graduates with no additional degree enrollment, 74 percent had repaid all their undergraduate loans by 2003. Of the 26 percent still repaying their loans, the median debt burden (monthly payment divided by monthly income) in 2003 was 3.3 percent. Among bachelor’s degree recipients with no further degree enrollment, 39 percent had taken out Stafford loans as undergraduates. Among these Stafford loan borrowers, 5 percent ever had a deferment, 12 percent ever had a period of forbearance, and 10 percent had defaulted at some point. Students did not tend to run into repayment problems immediately; the average length of time between graduation and the first deferment, forbearance, or default was 4–5 years. For many, the problems were temporary, with 45 percent of defaulters able to re-enter repayment later. In addition, most of those who deferred or had periods of repayment were able to recover financially and did not default.
NCES 2006184 Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 2003-04, With a Special Analysis of Community College Students
This report is the fifth in a series of reports that accompany the release of the data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS). This report includes an analysis of community college students, examining the relationship between a measure of students’ degree commitment and their likelihood of maintaining their enrollment over the 1-year period under study. The study developed a taxonomy called the Community College Track, which classifies students’ degree commitment (more, less, or not committed) based on their reported intentions of completing a program of study (transfer, associates degree, certificate, or no degree) and their attendance status (at least half time or not) within their program of study. Overall, some 49 percent of community college students were classified as “more committed,” 39 percent as “less committed” and 12 percent as “not committed.” The two largest groups were students classified as “more committed” in transfer programs (29 percent) and “less committed” in general associate’s degree programs (17 percent). The results indicate that students who demonstrate a relatively strong commitment to completing a program of study (i.e., they explicitly report that either transfer or degree completion are reasons for attending and they attend classes at least half time) are very likely to maintain their enrollment for one year. Some 83 percent of the “more committed” students did so, compared with 70 percent of “less committed” and 58 percent of those designated as “not committed.”
NCES 2006154 Degree Completions in Areas of National Need, 1996-97 to 2001-02
This E.D. Tab focuses on trends in degree completions in academic programs that have been deemed areas of national need by federal legislation and include: agriculture and conservation sciences; computer and information sciences; education; engineering and engineering-related technologies; foreign languages and literature; biological and life sciences; mathematics; physical sciences; protective services and criminal justice; social work; nursing; and health professions and related sciences. The analysis focuses on data from 1996-97 and 2001-02 and examines completions at institutions granting awards of associate’s degrees and higher. In particular, it looks at the change in the total number of degrees completed in areas of national need between the two years, as well as degree completions in these areas by gender and race/ethnicity. Finally, the report examines the characteristics of students completing degrees in these areas of study. Generally, the areas of national need in which the most degrees were completed were sciences, engineering, education and health-related fields. There was some variation by degree type. Across all degree types, the number of degrees completed in many areas of national need declined or did not change between 1996-97 and 2001-02, with the exception of computer and information sciences degrees, which grew over the five-year time period. The gender distribution of degree completions in areas traditionally dominated by one sex or the other changed little between 1996-97 and 2001-02, although there was some variation by degree type. Over the same time period, the proportion of degrees awarded to non-White students increased, although patterns of over- and under-representation of non-White students persisted in certain areas.
NCES 2006160 Postsecondary Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual
The Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM), 2006 Edition manual describes standard practices for initiating, conducting, reporting, and maintaining a postsecondary institutional facilities inventory. It is designed to be useful to both specialized staff and generalists and to be applicable to institutions with sophisticated information needs as well as to those with more basic facilities information needs. It reflects the perspective that along with human resources and financial assets, space is one of the primary resources of a postsecondary educational institution. It provides updated definitions for building area measurements, space and room use codes, and other data elements that are useful for including in a facilities inventory. It describes the basic principles for developing a facilities database, provides guidance on required and optional data elements for inclusion in a facilities inventory, suggests analytic, administrative and comparative uses for facilities data and presents issues that are emerging in the collection, maintenance and reporting of facilities data.
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