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Center for Democracy and Technology
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  • January 21 - 23
    Leslie Harris will speak on the legislative landscape at the Online Publisher's Association summit in Boca Raton, FL.
  • January 26
    Greg Nojeim will speak on the privacy of electronic communications at a Data Privacy Day panel discussion at the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
  • January 27
    Greg Nojeim will speak on the privacy concerns raised by the international transfer of data for national security purposes at a Data Privacy Day panel discussion at Duke University's Sanford Institute for Public Policy.
  • January 28
    Jim Dempsey will be speaking at a Privacy Day event at the San Francisco Public Library.
  • February 4
    Alissa Cooper will give a talk about Internet neutrality, technology, and policymaking at the Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society in Cambridge, MA.
  • February 10
    Brock Meeks will appear on the panel "Will Law and Policy Kill the Social Communications Revolution Before It Starts?" at SocComm in New York City.
  • March 25
    Jim Dempsey will be speaking about privacy at the Tech Policy Summit in San Mateo, CA
  • March 31
    Jim Dempsey will participate in a Knowledge Congress webinar on national security access to communications and business records.
  • May 16 - 21
    Deven McGraw will present on "Privacy Protection in Electronic Health Records: 2009 Update" at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in San Francisco, CA.

Health IT Stimulus Bill Contains Critical Privacy, Security Provisions

CDT applauds the critical privacy and security protections Congress included in the health information technology (health IT) portions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the proposed economic recovery bill.  Before billions are spent building a nationwide health IT network, privacy and security concerns must be addressed upfront to ensure the public trust and widespread adoption of the network.  CDT believes it is critical for privacy and security provisions to remain in the legislation and looks forward to working with Congress to ensure a comprehensive privacy framework is in place to protect health information. January 17, 2009

Press Release on Health IT Stimulus Bill January 17, 2009

Court Upholds Warrantless Surveillance of Suspected Terrorists Abroad

In a rare public opinion, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review upheld the constitutionality of warrantless wiretaps in the U.S. that target suspected terrorists who are both overseas and not U.S. citizens. The spying was conducted under the now-expired Protect America Act of 2007. The case arose when an anonymous communications company challenged the government's demand that it assist in carrying out the surveillance. The Court held that the Fourth Amendment applied to the wiretap, but that it could be conducted without a warrant under the stringent procedures in this case, which included specific targeting of individuals strongly believed to be terrorists. January 16, 2009

FISA Court of Review Opinion [PDF] August 22, 2008 [off-site]

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