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Presentations / Papers

All Abstracts for presentations are presented in PDF format. Presentations are currently provided in PowerPoint and HTML format (those that are not in html format currently are in the process of being converted).

These papers represent research or other information presented in a scientific or association professional meeting format. They do not by themselves represent USDA or NCHFP recommendations for consumer food preservation at home. In many cases, they represent research in process. For our recommendations on how to preserve food at home, please see our other publications, or the How Do I.... sections of this Web site.


Title Abstract Presentation
Survey of Home Canning Practices and Safety Issues in the U.S. PDF PPT      HTML

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Title Abstract Presentation
Developing a recommendation for home-canned peaches with a sucralose sugar substitute PDF PPT      HTML
Thermal process development to ensure the safety of a home-canned lemon curd product PDF PPT      HTML

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Title Abstract Presentation
Assessment of microwave blanching as a preparatory tool for home freezing of yellow squash PDF PPT      HTML
Influence of product-entrapped air and venting on lethal effect in model domestic pressure canner studies PDF PPT      HTML
Listeria monocytogenes survival in refrigerator dill pickles PDF PPT      HTML
Properties of home processed Italian sausage prepared with oatmeal PDF PPT      HTML
Studies on safe acidification of salsa for home boiling water canning PDF PPT      HTML
Thermal process development of a home-canned salsa-type product PDF PPT      HTML
Effects of preparation methods on the microbiological safety of home-dried jerky meat Journal Request a reprint

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Title Abstract Presentation
National Center for Home Food Preservation PDF PPT      HTML
Effects of microwave blanching vs. boiling water blanching on retention of selected water-soluble vitamins in turnip greens using HPLC PDF PPT      HTML
Partnerships produce a national center for home food preservation research and education PDF PPT      HTML
The Use of Microwave Blanch Technology as an Alternative Preparation Method for Freezing Collard Greens (Brassica olteracea) at Home PDF PPT      HTML

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Title Abstract Presentation
Current home canning practices in the U.S. PDF PPT     HTML
A survey of practices in freezing foods at home in the U.S. PDF PPT     HTML
Effect of fill weight and initial temperature on processing time for a home pickled jicama relish PDF PPT     HTML
Heat penetration studies of stewed tomatoes in 6, 8, and 17 quart household pressure retorts PDF PPT     HTML
Disseminating science-based home food preservation information on the internet PDF PPT     HTML
An updated look at home canning PDF PPT     HTML

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Title Abstract Presentation
Establishing a national center for home food preservation PDF PPT
Microbiota of fresh herbs and whole spices used in home food preservation and effectiveness of microbial intervention methods PDF PPT

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