Frequently Asked Questions

  • General

    • Where is Fort Valley State University?

      Fort Valley State University is located in Fort Valley, Georgia. Fort Valley is about 100 miles south of Atlanta and about 15 miles off of I-75.

    • How many students are enrolled?

      FVSU currently has about 3,000 students enrolled.

  • Financial Aid

    • What types of aid do you offer?

      We offer both Federal and State aid.

    • Is aid academic (merit) or need based?

      The Financial Aid we offer is both academic as well as need based.

    • What percentage of students receive aid?

      About 90 percent of FVSU students receive financial aid, including loans, grants, scholarships, federal and state aid.

    • How do I find out about grants and scholarships offered by FVSU? What is the process of obtaining a grant or scholarship?

      Contact the Financial Aid Office and speak to one of the financial aid counselors. 478-825-6363. Georgia 411 online is also a great source of assistance.

    • What are the deadlines for applying for financial aid using a FAFSA form?

      The priority deadline for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form is tax day – April 15.

    • What else do I need to submit to be considered for all types of financial aid?

      The official application is the FAFSA form. Some financial aid processes may ask for other documentation.

    • Do I need to file a FAFSA to get a campus job?

      To receive Federal Work-Study you will need to file a FAFSA.

    • What percentage of students work?

      About 10 percent of the student population have a work-study job.

    • How easy is it to obtain a job on campus?

      It depends on your financial aid status and whether you meet the qualifications to receive federal work-study.

    • Do I have to file a FAFSA if I am only getting HOPE funds?


    • If I have done my verification worksheets, how long does it take to process my financial aid request?

      It is considered late after April 15, but it takes from five to ten working days to complete the verification process after submission.

    • Why can’t both parents file Head of Household if they are separated?

      If you are still married you can only file one of two ways: married filing jointly or married filing separately.

    • Why hasn’t my loan gone through?

      Chase has changed their lender code and guarantor without advising students.

    • How can I view my award information?

      Go to and check your Banner Web account.

    • Why do my parents have to apply and be denied the Parent Plus Loan before I can receive the Un-Sub Loan?

      The Plus Loan is used when a parent can not afford to pay the expected parent contribution to the student’s education; therefore the PLUS is made available to the parent. If the parent is approved, the parent is considered able to pay toward the student’s education. If the parent is not approved the student is guaranteed the un-sub loan.

    • Why can’t a student receive a STEM scholarship and a DEAN scholarship at the same time?

      You can’t have two institutional scholarships at the same time.

  • Information Technology

    • What is my user name?

      Your user name is generally everything before the @ symbol in your e-mail address. Students can look up their user name via Claws.

    • What do I do if I forget my password?

      If you forget your password, please call Information Technology @ 478-825-6228 during normal business hours. Students should have their Student ID numbers ready when calling.

    • How do I log onto one of the computers in the labs?

      Use the same user name and password that you use to check your e-mail or log into the student portal. Under “Log On To” be sure the “FV” is selected as the domain.

  • Learning Support

    • What is the Learning Support Program?

      Learning Support Programs are intended to serve students who are not prepared for Core Curriculum courses and need additional preparation in reading, mathematics, English and other areas. Students are required to take Learning Support courses because they do not meet the System minimum requirements for exemption based on SAT/ACT test results or CPC deficiencies in English or mathematics.

    • What courses are offered in the Learning Support Program?

      The course offerings in Learning Support are listed below.

      • ENGL 0098 & ENGL 0099
      • MATH 0097 & MATH 0099
      • READ 0098 & READ 0099
    • Do I need advisement and registration each term through the Learning Support Program?

      Learning Support students must see an advisor in the program each semester until LS requirements are completed

    • Can I delay taking a LS class until a later semester and take college-level classes now?

      If a student is required to take LS courses, the student must enroll in those courses first.

    • What are attempts?

      Attempts are the number of times student s enrolled in a Learning Support course and receive a grade.

    • How many attempts can I have before exiting the Learning Support Program?

      The Board of Regents policy requires that students must exit a Learning Support area in three (3) attempts or twelve semester (12) hours, which ever comes first.

    • What if I use up all of my attempts (or hours) before I can exit?

      There is a three (3) year suspension period from USG institutions in the state of Georgia.

    • What is the 20 Hour Rule?

      A student must complete all Learning Support requirements before he or she accumulates more than 20 semester hours of college-level credit. If twenty (20) hours of college-level credits are completed, and the student has not completed LS requirements; the student may enroll in the LS course only.

  • Office of the Registrar

    • What hours can I reach a representative in the Office of the Registrar?

      We are open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

    • What is the Office of the Registrar's address, phone and fax number?

      Office of the Registrar
      Fort Valley State University
      1005 State University Drive
      Fort Valley, Georgia 31030

    • How will I receive important notifications from the university?

      Effective Fall Semester 2008, students are required to check their FVSU e-mail account. Important dates, university announcements and upcoming events will be distributed electronically.

    • I have already registered but am unable to attend classes this semester. What do I do?

      If it’s before the first day of class, cancel your registration. To cancel your registration, notify the Office of the Registrar in writing. If classes have already begun, you need to withdraw from school. To withdraw, stop by the Office of the Registrar in the Troup Administrative Building, Suite 134 and request a withdrawal form.

    • If I skipped a Fall or Spring semester do I have to complete an application for

      Yes, you must apply for re-admission to the University.

    • How do I drop or add a course?

      Drop and add occurs the first day of class each semester. Drop/Add forms can be obtained from your academic advisor.

    • I tried to register online through Banner Web but the system is requesting an alternative PIN. What do I do?

      Students that have met with their academic advisors for advisement will receive an alternative PIN to register for classes online.

    • I did not receive my grades or academic standing by mail. Where do I go?

      Printed copies of final grades and academic standings are no longer mailed. You can view and print your final grades and standing, as well as those for previous semesters on Banner Web.

    • How do I know if I received a mid-term grade?

      Mid-term grades are submitted for undergraduate students. Students should check their Banner Web account before the last day to drop per semester.

    • I need to get an official verification of my student status. Where do I go?

      A verification form can be retrieved from the Office of the Registrar or on our home page. Please print and complete the form, then fax or mail it to the Office of the Registrar.

    • How do I request a transcript?

      Current/recently enrolled students can order official transcripts via Banner Web.

    • What are the deadlines for applying for graduation?

      Students must complete an application for graduation by the following deadlines:

      • Fall Semester – September 1
      • Spring Semester – February 1
      • Summer Semester – July 1
  • WIN Lab

    • Where do I go to get authorized to take the Regents’ Test?

      If you are a newly enrolled student and you are taking English 1101 or 1102 this semester, you will be “authorized” through your English instructor.
      If you are not enrolled in English 1101 or 1102, sign up to take the Regents’ Examination in the Testing Office, 215 Peabody Building. You should do this early in the semester.

    • What are Regents’ Prep Sessions and who has to take them?

      Preparatory Sessions are offered in Writing (through the WIN Lab) and in Reading (through Learning Support). You can pick up a schedule of sessions in the Testing Office (215 Peabody Building), in the WIN Lab (124 Bond Building) or in Learning Support (235 Bond Building). These are open and free for anyone taking the Regents’ Examination, but they are required for students who are taking the Exam for the first time and are not enrolled in English 1101 or 1102. Registration for sessions is in the WIN Lab, 124 Bond Building, and will begin August 25, 2008, for Fall Semester 2008. You should register early to get your choice of sessions. You can get answers to any other questions pertaining to the Regents’ Exam at any of the three locations listed.

    • What is the “WIN” Lab?

      The “WIN” Lab, located in 124 Bond Building, is the University’s writing center. “WIN” stands for “Writing Information Network;” and it is a lab where you can receive assistance with your writing through tutorials and receive an individualized plan to improve your writing skills. The WIN Lab staff will also assist you with research questions, help you plan your project and guide you in formatting your paper. And, yes, we can usually convert your files for printing if you used software other than Microsoft Word. The Lab is open 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., with later hours available if you need them.

    • Are “Blue Books” available in the WIN Lab?

      Yes, we have the blue examination booklets you need for testing in English 1101 and in some of the courses in Social Sciences. They are $.50 per 12-page booklet.

    • My instructor told me to report to the WIN Lab. When should I come and what will I do there?

      If your instructor recommends that you use WIN services, he or she will give you a referral form to take to the Lab (124 Bond Building). It is always best to stop by or call 825-6682 to make an appointment. This will ensure that your “Writing Assistant” is on duty and ready to assist you. Take at least one essay or writing sample that has been evaluated by your instructor. The Writing Assistant and/or Lab Director will work with you and your instructor to set up a plan that will enable you to improve your writing with scheduled WIN visits.

    • Can somebody in the WIN Lab read over my paper?

      Yes, you can meet with a Writing Assistant/Tutor or Director to discuss any problems you are having with your paper, but it is important to remember that your paper will not be edited by WIN staff. That will be your job after meeting with your tutor. ALSO, if you wait until the day the assignment is due, you are not likely to get the help you need.